Status: in progress

Give Me a Sign, I Want to Believe

Shocking Surpirse

Kaitlin hated whenever she saw one of her friends in pain. She thought that no one should ever feel upset even though she did often. It wasn't about her though, it was more importantly about the people she cared about. She had so much love to give, and wanted to make sure everyone was as happy as can be. The whole tour she tried to keep a smile but it was clear that the one on her lips was as fake as it gets. Everything has just been horrible the last few days. She wanted the tour to just end already. She wasn't having fun.

Ian walks onto the "Panic" tour bus to find Kait lying down on the couch alone with her eyes closed and hands resting on her stomach. Her breathing is slow and steady. He looks at her confused and then sighs. She has been keeping a distance from him ever since the day she found out what Brendon said to Tori at dinner. She was keeping herself away from everyone so she wouldn't lash out.

Ian sits down on the edge of the couch and places a hand on Kait's forehead. "Babe, can we talk?" he says softly rubbing hair off of her forehead.

Kait groans and opens her eyes. "No. Wait till we're home," she mumbles annoyed.

Ian sighs once more and leans toward her kisses the tip of her nose lightly. "We won't be home for over a month, Kaitlin. Babe, come on. We need to talk," Ian begs.

Kait grabs hold of his wrist tightly. "We don't need to talk about anything," she growls and then lets go of his wrist and stands up. She looks at him with sorry in her eyes and then exits the bus. She walks right through the venue's side door that leads to back stage.

All eyes fall on her. She gives a small smile and wave and then looks toward the ground and heads forward. On a couch set up backstage, Tori was sitting on it with Zach to her side. Screaming starts to fill her ears and then a hand slaps on her back. She jumps and then turns to see Andy with a smile on his face.

"Let's rock baby girl," he winks and then walks out on stage with his bass. Kait looks around for her guitar and then hurries on stage.

The band puts on a performance while back stage Ian complains to Spencer that Kaitlin won't talk to him. Brendon stands with them listening. He kept saying little things like Its her time of the month, maybe. and She's always been hard to deal with. Ian would nod and try to agree with what Brendon had to say.

Towards the last song of the set Brendon started to become cocky due to him consuming beer. He made everyone backstage focus on him instead of the performance on the stage. When the band came off he pulled Kate Marie close to him trying to kiss her, all in front of Tori. Kate Marie pushes him away and slapped his cheek before walking away. He then grabs onto his sister. She was clearly upset and he started to bother her.

"Aw, is my baby sister sad? Maybe she should let her boyfriend fuck her. Than she won't be such a bitch," he mutters in her ear.

Kait clenches her teeth . "Brendon stop," she growls softly.

He hugs her from the side tightly. "Fuck, if you weren't my sister I'd fuck you so hard," he purrs and then kisses her cheek.

Kait pushes him away. "But I am your sister and dating your best friend so don't fucking touch me," she stares at him like he is crazy.

Brendon raises an eyebrow. "Not blood related though," he shrugs and then walks away backwards toward the stage since it was about time to go on.

Kait and everyone else in the room stares at him. He smiled and then turned around and stood at the edge of backstage hopping in place to get pumped up.

Ian goes over to his girlfriend but she pushes him away. She needed her space and to process what Brendon just said. Was he being serious or just a jerk? She has never been told that she was adopted. She fit into the family so well.

Panic comes on stage making the crowd go while. Every so often Brendon took sips of beer making him even drunker.

"So guys, this looks like a pretty sexy crowd, huh? Oh, it makes me think of some sexy girls I know. A few are even touring with us. I've only fucked one of them though, but she doesn't really matter," he chuckles.

Kait looks right at Tori and sees her get off the couch and hurry out of the venue. She didn't blame her for leaving. Brendon was taking it was to far.

"Now, the hottest, well Ian fucks her all the time and I had the pleasure of living with her my whole life," Brendon sighs happily and takes a sip of beer.

"Uh, Bren. That wasn't really necessary to say. It was actually the most inappropriate thing you have ever said," Ian says into his microphone. He instantly started to feel uncomfortable.

"Oh come on Ian. She's a hot piece of ass. Now guys. You are probably like 'ew Brendon, that's your sister!' But you all should know she's adopted and our parents never told her. Surprise Kaitlin!" Brendon throws his arms in the air and pops his hip.

Kait balls her hands into fists. She heads right onto the stage not caring. Ian sees her and sets down his guitar quickly. Brendon looks at her and smiles. She winds up her arm and punches him right in the face. "Go fuck yourself. I'm done with your shit. You hurt my best friend and now you tell me this? Fuck you Brendon. I am done," her eyes are filled with tears now and her hand covered with Brendon's blood. "I hate you," she cries out and then runs off of the stage.

"Don't ever talk to me again," Ian says and leaves the stage hurrying after his girlfriend.

Brendon stands silent and then wipes his nose on his hand seeing all the blood. He laughs to himself and shakes his head. "Who needs a skank and a hobbit anyway," he shrugs.

Zack comes on the stage and grabs a microphone. "I am sorry about all of this. We are going to have to cut the show short tonight. As you can see there are some family issues," Zack says to the crowd and then turns to Brendon and picks him up forcing him to leave the stage.

Kaitlin locks herself in the bathroom and calls her parents. Ian stands outside the door waiting. He didn't want to bother her but at the same time hold her in his arms. After a few minutes she came out with a blank face. Her eyes lock with Ian's and she falls into his arms.

She grips on his shirt for support. "Is Tori okay?" she asks into his neck. She was upset but cared more about her friend than she did herself.