The Ultimate Love Test

“Couples all over the word, this is your chance! Fight against each other in this ultimate love test and prove to yourselves that your relationships are ones of pure love.
You’ve got nothing to fear – unless your love is not true.”

When Cassandra – rather called Cassie - heard those words booming loudly from everywhere around her, she thought she’d lost it. Seriously, a love test? And one involving a fight at that? Was that some sick kind of joke? And what in the world was that even supposed to mean?

Cassie didn’t have to wait long to get an answer. For one thing she was glad that she didn’t seem to have gone insane, but on the other hand she was in for a hell lot of problems.

She and her boyfriend had been chosen to fight together against other couples from North to South and East to West.

There was no way out of this bizarre game. It should be no problem for the smart Cassie – apart from the fact that she wasn’t too sure if she was in her right mind anymore.

And apart from the fact that the last sentence she heard meant only one thing: She was bound to lose the game.

Fake boyfriends don’t tend to love you. And normally that’s mutual.
  1. Chapter 1
    Let’s start the ultimate love test, shall we?