Fallen Angel

Chapter Two

I'm insane. I'm losing my mind. I am insane. I am losing my mind.
No, you're not. Stop freaking out.
Stop that! Yes, I am! I'm talking to a Voice in my head! I believe that entitles me to lose my mind a little bit! To be a little insane!
You are overreacting.
What are you, Reason?
No. And you aren't going to trick me into telling you my name. You might as well stop trying already. It isn't going to work.
I seriously wanted to bang my head against the wall. I eyed the wall across the room, behind Apphia and Emeyo. I glanced at Apphia. She smiled a half-smile. "Is there anything we can do to help?"
I shook my head, eying the wall again. "Not unless you can get her to tell me what her stupid name is. She refuses to tell me, even says she won't be tricked into it."
Apphia shook her head, a smile playing on her lips. "Of course she won't. But maybe she just wants you to figure it out for yourself."
I shrugged and lay back on the cold, hard floor, wincing as my head knocked against it. I rolled over onto my side and propped myself up on an elbow so I could watch Apphia and Emeyo. "Banging my head against that wall is starting to look very good."
Apphia glanced at Emeyo, but Emeyo wasn't paying any attention. She had her eyes closed and seemed to be focused. I glanced at Apphia, but she had taken up the same position as Emeyo. They looked like they were meditating. I wouldn't doubt it. With these two it was hard to tell, not that I really even knew them.
I laid back down on the floor and stared up at the ceiling. Before I even knew it my eyes had drifted closed and I was being wrapped in a blanket of warmth and light.
I opened my eyes to a much different place. A meadow lay to the front, the back, and both of the sides. I saw a woman sitting nearby. She had long strawberry blond hair that cascaded to the sharp green of the grass in neat waves. She had eyes like an electric but gentle blue. Her features were gentle, making her look younger than she actually was. The wind blew a few strands of her hair around her face and she looked straight at me. A smile lit her eyes, even as shock filled them. She whispered a word. "Darkness."

I sat straight up, breathing heavily, shivers going down my spine. I looked around warily, expecting something or someone to jump out at me. I froze, fear spread throughout my entire body, settling in the pit of my stomach, as a hand settled on my shoulder. I turned and relaxed slightly, seeing Apphia crouched down behind me. She smiled, but there was worry in her eyes. "Are you alright? You were muttering some strange things. And you were thrashing. I was getting worried."
I nodded, but didn't smile. "I'm alright." I pushed my hair out my face with one hand before I got to my feet. I looked around. "Where's Emeyo?"
Apphia stood. "She went outside to look for a good place for us to try to dig and/or fight our way out. It's likely we'll have to fight to get out of here."
I nodded. "I assumed as much. Will she be okay?" I shook my head before answering myself. "Of course she will. She's a warrior. We all are."
Apphia nodded. "Yes. Even though we are fallen, we are still and always be warriors. They can't take that away from us. No one can."
I nodded and felt a smile pull at my lips. "Yes. I know you're right."
Apphia grinned. "Yes! I knew you would smile eventually. Now, would you like to tell me about your dream before we attempt to escape this hellhole?"
I shook my head and wrapped my arms around myself. "Not particularly. But I will anyways, you may be able to make more sense of it than I can." I sighed before I walked over to the closest wall and leaned against it, before sliding to the floor. Apphia slowly walked over to the wall and slid down beside me. She turned slightly towards me as she pulled her long legs up and sat cross-legged, pale eyes intent as she rested her arms on her legs.
I slid my legs out and let my hands rest lightly in my lap, fingers intertwined. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the wall. I concentrated, attempting to recount my dream, which was slowly fading from my memory. I struggled to get hold of the memory as if fled from my grasp. But as it slid from my grip the only thing I was able to catch was a single word.
My eyes snapped open and my breathing had sped up slightly. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked over at Apphia to see her regarding me worriedly. I took a deep, shaky breath. She slowly lowered her hand, continuing to watch me with her gentle gaze. "Are you alright?"
I shook my head, before nodding. "I-I have no idea. I just. . . I can't remember anything except for one word. I'm not sure-well, I mean, I don't know what it means."
Apphia smiled, in an attempt to reassure and comfort me, I was sure. Not that it did. At all. "If you would like to tell me the word I will attempt to help you figure it out. I do have the Voice of Reason, so I might be able to help."
I found myself nodding, sensing that she was speaking the truth. "The word. . . Darkness."
Apphia lapsed into silence, eyes thoughtful. She seemed to be considering several different things, but it was hard to be sure. I momentarily wondered why my Voice hadn't chimed in with her opinion. Maybe she was upset that I hadn't figured it out yet and was ignoring me. It was hard to tell.
Apphia suddenly looked over at me, pale eyes intent. "Say the word to your Voice. See if she responds. I believe she will." At my hesitation, she added, "please. Just do it and I will explain in a minute."
I shrugged, not expecting anything to happen. "All right. I'll do it. Just. . .give me a minute."
I closed my eyes, not waiting for a response. I started to say something-in my mind, of course-when I realized what Apphia was thinking. I sighed. She was most probably insane. Which meant. . .that it would most probably work. Everything about my life since I had fallen was insane.
I took a breath. Hello? Darkness?
Well, it's about time.
I jumped, eyes flickering open. I immediately jumped to feet and began pacing. I could feel Apphia's gaze on me as I moved restlessly. You're overreacting.
I ignored her comment as I continued my restless pacing, movements sharp, lost in my own dark abyss of thoughts. Her name was Darkness. Somewhat surprising. It wasn't what I had expected, but at least it was something. Better than nothing, I suppose. At least I had a name, though I wasn't sure what to do with the information. There was still a lot I needed to know. For instance, I still had no idea why there was a Voice in my head. A thought crossed my mind, but I pushed it to the back, hoping to consider it later. Much later. And I still needed to figure out whether or not I had a Curse, like Apphia claimed every fallen Angel did.
I paused, turning to stare at Apphia. "Before you talked about Curses. Do we all have them? The fallen Angels, I mean. And do you know how many there are?"
Apphia stood and walked slowly over to me. "Before I answer any questions of yours, you have to answer one or two for me."
I narrowed my eyes, crossing my arms and forcing myself to stay still instead of grabbing her and shaking her until she gave me the answers like I so desperately wanted to do. I nodded. "Alright. What are your questions?"
Apphia's eyes widened, as if she hadn't expected that as my answer. She smiled. "Okay, first of all, is Darkness your Voice's name? And, secondly, why did you fall?"
I stared at her, considering how to answer. I knew what I would say to the first question, but I was unsure about how to answer the second one. I didn't exactly want to tell her that I had fallen in love with a human and that was why I had fallen. Especially not that I had fallen for a female human. "Well, to the first one, yes, that is her name. And to the second, I-I. . . I would rather not say."
Apphia smiled, but her eyes held a mischievous glint. "I will answer one of your questions."
I glared at her. "I believe that would be called blackmail. That is just one question I refuse to answer, under any circumstances. At least, not until we get out of here and I can find Alasdair and Cearbhall."
Apphia's eyes widened. "You know of them? The first two to fall since Lucifer and his angels-demons, now-fell? How is that possible. I had heard only whispers of them."
I shrugged, now feeling like I had said too much. Way too much. I let my arms drop to my sides as I shifted my weight from side to side. I was about to open my mouth to say something when a thought hit me. Maybe I could use this information to my advantage. After all, these two seemed to be very important names to Apphia. Apphia's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What are you thinking?"
I smiled. "Well, I just figured since you seem to be so interested in these two men, that perhaps you would like me to tell you what I know. And in return you can answer my questions." My smile faded as I unsheathed one of my two blades. "Unless you would like me to get the information I want the hard way."
Apphia studied me carefully, ignoring my threat. "You wouldn't know any more than me. We seem to be the same type of Angels. Warriors, that is. Besides, I've only ever known of warriors to be the Angels to fall. Unless. . ." Her eyes widened. "What is your name?"
I looked up sharply. "Echo. I already told you that. My name is Echo."
Her eyes widened even more. "Echo. You are Echo. Oh my gosh. I can't believe it. I had heard rumors, but I can't believe it. You were one of the closest to Him, were you not? And you fell. How could you do that?"
I narrowed my eyes, feeling my energy pulse through my hand into my sword. Apphia suddenly backed up, eyes wide and frightened. "Don't even talk to me about betrayal. I know all about that. Every Angel to fall is a betrayer and we all know it. Me better than others." My voice was hard and cold, just as I knew my eyes were. "We all had our reasons, and to us, they may have been good reasons, but they weren't. And if you really know why I fell you better keep it to yourself."
Apphia just stared at me as I slid my sword back into the sheath at my side. I looked back at her. I sighed. "Go ahead. Get whatever you have to say out."
Apphia crossed her arms as she shifted her weight from foot to foot. "You can't do that. You can't use blackmail on me."
I arched my eyebrows, recrossing my arms. "And why in the world can't I?"
"They're my brothers."
I walked quietly around the room, eyes flashing nervously from wall to wall, chair to couch, window to television.
Aurnia, Vision chided. You need to calm down. You're paranoid.
I snorted. You think I'm paranoid? You're a freaking Voice in my head! Don't tell me I'm paranoid.
We resolved this issue a long time ago, Aurnia. I am a lot more than just a Voice in your head. Don't make me force a vision on you. . .
I froze. You wouldn't.
Don't test me.
I wished I could smack her. Anyways. . .back to my paranoia.
The window wasn't actually a window so much as what I liked to call an observation glass. It let whoever was inside see out, but whoever was outside couldn't see in. I particularly liked it. Mostly because I was good at-and liked-to "observe" people. Kian called it spying. He was a sarcastic asshole. At least, in my opinion he was. Of course, he was also a player. He was just lucky he'd never tried to date me.
"Yo, Aurie!"
I sighed. Speak of the devil and he will appear. . .
I stopped and turned to look at Kian. He was standing on the other side of the room, a blond girl with a huge chest under either arm. I rolled my eyes. He was such a player. There wasn't a girl he hadn't put his moves on. . .except me. I crossed my arms. "What do you want, Kian?"
He frowned. "Oh, come on, Aurie! Don't tell me you haven't heard!"
I arched an eyebrow at him. "Okay. I'll bite. What haven't I heard and why are you so excited about it?"
Kian waggled his eyebrows. "You wanna bite? I didn't know you were like that, Aurie. We should really hang out more often. In my room."
I rolled my eyes. "Don't you have enough baggage," I said, gesturing to his blond bimbos. "All boobs, no brain."
Kian snorted. "That's a nice way of putting it." He glanced at one, then the other. "They didn't even notice."
"Either that," an amused voice murmured, "or they're just too stoned to care."
I glanced to my left as Tocuil walked towards us. His dark wings that were only a shade or two darker than his hair were folded neatly against his back and he wore no shirt, just like all of the other warriors. His amber eyes were filled with amusement. I smiled. "Either way," I repeated, only slightly mocking him. "We are both right."
Tocuil rolled his eyes at me. "You don't quite have my voice down yet, but you are right." He slid his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "All of the girls he picks up are idiots. Or just have bad judgement."
"They are also mostly blond," Niall chimed in, his twin brother, Naois, nodding silently beside him.
I chuckled as I turned my attention back to Kian. "I believe we win, seeing as there are four of us against you." I chuckled. "Oops, forgot your bimbos. I believe the score is four against one and a half, maybe two."
Kian glared at me. "Three," he said firmly.
I snorted. "I don't think so. Two is the best you're going to get. They would be lucky if combined they counted for one half of a person." I smiled, attempting to provoke him further.
Kian glared at me, something fierce and dangerous appearing in his eyes. I took a step back. It had worked. I had provoked him. To a fight.
As Kian pushed his two blonds away and stalked towards me I felt Tocuil, Niall, and Naois tense up, ready to defend me, but also ready to stop Kian from doing something he would regret later. That we all knew he would regret later. "Don't do that, Aurnia. I'm not good with provocation."
I paled as I took another step back. I'd forgotten about his Demon. Victory. He had to win at all costs and me provoking him had not been my smartest idea. Not in any way. I took another step back as a fierce sound ripped through Kian's chest. I felt all of the blood drain completely from my face as Kian's pale amber eyes narrowed dangerously and were focused entirely on me.
"Kian," Niall said quietly, but firmly, as he stood in front of me. I winced as Kian's fist connected with Niall's face. I stared, wide-eyed, as Niall flew across the room. Naois was immediately at his side. I turned my stare back to Kian as he continued towards me, looking very feral.
I took another step back, only to find that I was now against a wall. I looked down as a tingling began in my fingers and toes, slowly working its way up. My breathing sped up as my stare went from Naois crouching beside his brother's still form to Kian's angry, but sad stare. I knew he didn't want to hurt me, but he would have no choice. He believed I had challenged him in some way and if he didn't defeat me he would be in pain for days, if not weeks. I'd even seen it happen for months at a time before.
I took a deep breath, attempting to slow the tingles that had now made their way up to my ankles and wrists. I could also feel my fingers begin to shake and the room was beginning to spin before my eyes. This couldn't happen. Not here. Not now. I took another deep breath but it caught in my throat. The room, the people in it were beginning to fade and slip sideways. I knew I was falling, the vision was creeping up on me, but there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Except maybe just let what was happening happen.
A scream ripped through my throat as the tingles turned into harsh pain. It felt like someone was dragging a blade over my skin then pouring bleach into the injuries. I felt another scream burst from me as I slumped to the floor. The room had faded completely, leaving me blind to my attackers, that I knew somewhere in the back of my mind didn't exist. It didn't exactly comfort me.
"Aurnia!" I heard Tocuil shout, voice worried. "Are you alright?!"
"Tocuil. She's having a vision. Kian must have freaked her out so bad the vision was forced on her. Just get her to one of the couches." I heard Alasdair's smooth voice order. Where it was usually so soothing, right now it was pain to my ears. As I felt myself being picked up I heard myself scream "stop! Stop pain! Voice stop!"
"What's wrong with her? She's not usually like this!" I heard Tocuil yell over my pained shrieks. "Wait. I can feel her pain. Your voice, Alasdair. It's causing her pain. Way more than normal."
"Really?" At another scream of pure torture from me Alasdair fell silent.
I breathed in and out heavily until Alasdair's voice flared back up and my hearing turned to static. "Stop that! Damn it, Kian! Calm yourself! Get away from her! Kian!"
All of the air in the room suddenly dissipated and I found myself gasping for it. But it wasn't there. And I couldn't do anything without air. I slowly felt myself sinking into a black abyss. My last thought was that I was going to die. And that Alasdair was going to pissed when I woke up.