Fallen Angel

Chapter Seven

I made no sound as the sword pierced my flesh, aimed straight for my heart. I was too surprised to move, to make any sound at all. I couldn't believe she had stabbed me, though I knew it wouldn't kill me and I knew she didn't really mean it. . .
I woke with a jolt, sitting bolt upright in my bed, hands slamming onto the mattress. I leaned forward, breath accelerated, heartbeat loud in my ears. I struggled against the fear pounding at my chest, chasing me from my sleep and my dreams.
I hadn't realized that a hysterical scream had burst forth from my mouth until Camden burst into my room, Kian and Naois right behind him. I stared at them, eyes wide with fear. Naois was at my side in less than a moment. "Aurnia," he whispered, "what happened?"
I shook my head. "I don't know." I gasped in another painful breath, trying to stop the sob that was threatening to escape me. "It was a dream, I think. It just-it felt so real."
He patted my back, crouching on the floor next to me. "It's okay, honey. It's going to be okay, I promise."
I stared at him, using his eyes like a lifeline, as I nodded, more to reassure myself than anyone else in the room, or even outside the room. "Okay, yeah, I know. You're right."
I looked over at Camden and Kian. They were both watching us with undecipherable expressions. "What?" I asked quietly. "What's wrong?"
"Oh, I don't know," Kian said sarcastically. "Would you mind explaining to us why in the hell Naois can talk to you? Why it isn't killing you or any of us?"
I shook my head. "Truthfully?" At his only slightly sarcastic-please take note of my sarcasm-nod, I added, "I really don't know. And neither does Naois. We just found out and we talk sometimes."
"How long have you known about this?" Camden asked, voice flat and emotionless.
I sighed. "Come on, Cam, it's not really that big of a deal, is it?"
Naois elbowed me. "Yeah, it kind of is, Aurnia. No one has ever been able to get past the Demons and Curses of the Angels."
"Oh," I muttered. "Then I guess it is a big deal."
"Yeah," Kian said. "It kinda is."
Camden shrugged and walked the rest of the way into my room, but Kian hesitated,staying where he was at the door. I sighed. "I'm sorry. Look, I would have told you if I'd even had a hint at knowing that you guys took it so seriously. I swear."
Kian and Camden exchanged glances before Kian turned around and walked away, out of my line of sight. I sighed exasperatedly. "Where is he going?"
Camden leaned against the wall to my right side, close to the window that was above my bed. "To get the others. This is big, Aurnia. You really should have told."
I glared at him. "Well, excuse me for you having to find out when I was stabbed to freaking death in a frigging dream!"
Camden sighed, but looked away, out the window. "I'm sorry about that, Aurnia, but you shouldn't have kept this from us."
I stared at him, upset and angry. "What is wrong with you, Camden? Why are you being like this? You've always been the nicest and gentlest Angel I know. Why are you acting like there's nothing you'd like more than to hate me?"
Naois stood up. "He's not. He's letting someone else take over right now. He's too tired and upset and just doesn't want to live life anymore so he let Exhaustion take over."
Camden didn't even react to what Naois had just revealed, as if he just didn't care anymore, which told me that Naois was exactly right. I sighed. "So Cam really let you take over?"
He looked at me and smiled a sad, tired smile. "Yes. He got tired of fighting. Don't worry, though. He's sleeping safe and sound inside here," he tapped the side of his head.
I glared at him, fingers curling into fists as I fought to contain my anger. Naois gently rested his hand on my leg. I let out a breath as I glanced at him. "I'm fine. I don't want to kill him at all. Not one little bit," I muttered darkly and with sarcasm.
Camden-or Exhaustion-just went back to staring out the window. I continued glaring at him, wishing the saying "if looks could kill" actually applied to this situation. I really wished I could kill the Demon and just bring my friend back. I loved Camden like a brother and this Demon was majorly pissing me off.
I looked up. Alasdair stood in the door. I sighed. "Go ahead. Yell at me. Get it off your chest."
Alasdair shook his head. "I do not wish to yell. I wish to apologize."
"What?" I asked, genuinely surprised as I felt Naois tense up next to me. "What's going on?"
Alasdair sighed, running a hand through his messy dark hair. "I will explain everything in a few minutes, I promise. I have called a meeting in the living room." He turned. "Be there in about ten minutes. I'll start it in about fifteen."
As he walked away I glanced at Naois, before glaring at Camden. "We'll be there, but first. . .we're going to get Camden back, even if his damn ass Demon kills me in the process."
Naois stared at me, a sly smile curving on his lips. "I'm with you, Aurnia, but damn ass? Where did you get that?"
I rolled my eyes at him. "Don't be a dick."
"Sorry, but if you want that, I'd suggest talking to Niall. He's much less of a jerk than I am."
I snorted. "He's too goody goody for me."
Naois rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you would say that, Aurnia. But that's not really the problem is it? You have a problem with his being gay, don't you?"
"What?" I asked, taken aback. "Why in the world would you think that? I'm not a freaking homophobe!"
Naois sighed. "I'm sorry. It's Silence. He's making me fight him extra hard right now. He doesn't like that I can talk to you, though he's being extra jerkish right now."
"Oh," I murmured. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," he smiled. "I don't mind pissing him off. It's pretty funny, actually. I've learnt most of my 'bad language' from him."
I laughed. "You're so crazy. But I guess that's why we get along so damn well. I just wish everyone didn't have to hate us because of it."
He shrugged. "I tend not to care what people think. Life's a hell of a lot easier that way. Plus, you don't have to worry about getting placed in a mental institution."
I shuddered, memories flooding into my mind. Naois placed his hand over one of mine. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you remember."
I shrugged it off, though I didn't try to remove his hand. "It's okay. I'm just glad you and the others rescued us from there. It was like our own personal Hell. I mean, I know each of you have been to the actual Hell, but you don't know what it was like for us in there. We were hearing Voices and they were telling us all kinds of things and everyone just thought we were crazy."
Naois nodded, eyes sympathetic. "You can talk to me. I'll listen."
I nodded. "I know. It's just-the memories are so painful to think about."
Camden was suddenly there at my other side, hand gripping my shoulder. "Aurnia," he hissed. "Help me."
I stared at him as he stared at me like I was a lifeline. "What can I do? How can I help you?" I could tell this was Camden and definitely not Exhaustion.
His entire body started shaking and his eyes glazed over. "Help me fight him. I can't do it alone. Please, Aurnia. Please help me."
I stared at him, completely frozen in shock and fear. I could barely fight my own Demon, let alone help Camden fight his. I just didn't know if I could do it.
Use me, Vision whispered. Let me help you.
I started. How? How can you do that?
You have to trust me, Aurnia. You have to let go of your fear and trust me. That is the only way to save your friend.
But how can I do that? I don't know if I know how to trust anyone anymore.
You just have to let go of your fear and remember how to trust. It never left you. If you just reach out for it, you'll find it's still there.
I sighed, knowing full well she was right. But I had absolutely no idea if I could actually do it. Doing it was so much harder than just thinking it. But maybe, just maybe, if I tried to I could do it. Yes, I thought, I could do it for Camden.
I heard a scream as my sword plunged straight through Cearbhall's arm. I jumped back, pulling my other sword, ready for his inevitable attack. But he just pulled my other sword out of his arm and let it clatter to the floor. He then dropped his arm to his side, even though it was pouring blood.
If he was human I would have been worried, but he wasn't so I had no reason to be. He would stop bleeding in a few minutes, but he had to be in a whole lot of pain. Anyone, Angel or not, with a wound like that would be in a world of pain.
Cearbhall watched me. "Echo," he said.
He smiled. "I knew you could not forget me, not as I have forgotten you."
I put my sword back into its sheath, before crossing my arms. "You have obviously not forgotten me."
"When you fell, as I knew you eventually would, my memories returned to me." He took a step towards me. "I have remembered the passion you brought to me."
I didn't move. "I did not fall for, Cearbhall. I would not have fallen for you or for your brother. I never would have. I may have cared for you once, but my memories are not so blank as you would like to believe."
Cearbhall blinked, the only sign that he was taken aback. I knew I had gotten to him, though I was one of the few people that could tell when he was upset or in pain. "And what exactly," he said, "do you think that I think you do not remember."
"You know exactly what that is," I said, stubbornly refusing to reveal anything to the humans around us. "And it is exactly what forced your brother into a mental breakdown when he saw me. Am I correct?"
Cearbhall's hands began to shake and I knew he knew exactly what I was talking about. That he knew I remembered my time as a human, when he had killed me because I had fallen for his brother.
I didn't smile as I watched him, knowing that if I did he would feel he had some success over me, even though he didn't. After a long pause, he said "then why did you fall, Echo? I know you would not have fallen unless you had a very good reason."
"You're right. I would not have." I took a breath. "But I did. I'll admit it. Maybe the reason I fell wasn't the best, but would you like to reveal the reason you and Alasdair fell? I think not, because if you did-"I was cut off by Cearbhall lunging forward and pressing his lips firmly against mine.
I was so surprised and taken aback that I just stood there, frozen, letting him kiss me. I felt my eyes widen when his hands settled on my waist, my surprise taking over and freezing me in place. I knew I should fight him, but, I don't know, it just felt. . . I don't really know how to explain it, but it didn't feel all that wrong, though I knew it was.
In the end it wasn't either of us that ended the kiss, but it was Ever and Ezra, working together to get him away from me. I stumbled back, unsure what to do or say. I was completely at a loss for words; speechless, as it was.
Ever immediately flew over Cearbhall's head, landing protectively at my side. "She's my sister, you jerk! Stay away from her!"
I felt a small smile pull at my lips as I felt my sister's protectiveness pull her back into my forgiveness. I knew that this act of. . .kindness was her way of asking for forgiveness. And, in some small part of me, I knew that I had already forgiven her, a long time ago.
"Do not order me around, Ever!" He said, his voice booming with power.
Her eyes widened with fear as he raised his hand, his Angel sword now in it, and sliced down, towards her face. I drew my sword faster than the blink of an eye and his sword clashed with mine.
Cearbhall stumbled back, but I held my ground, keeping my knees bent, bracing all of my weight. "Do not fight me, Cearbhall. I do not want to hurt you."
Cearbhall's eyes narrowed in anger and compulsion to accept the challenge he thought I had made. He rushed me, sword held above his head. I pushed Ever out of the way as I ducked and rolled under him as he brought the sword the down. It crashed into the floor, leaving a dent, I was sure. His anger was fierce, but my vengeance was a lot worse.
"I am telling you, do not fight me. Do not make me hurt you. It is not something I want."
Cearbhall ignored me completely, steadying himself and leveling his sword. "It would be wise," he said, "if you would just give in and do it. You know you could never beat me, Echo."
I didn't give in to his challenge as I leveled my own sword and began a dance with him, rounding a circle. "You-Ashlin, Daylin, Ezra, Cairo, Toni, Sari, Kate-you should get out of here. Or at least far enough away so you are not injured. This will not end well, I can promise that." I paused as we continued our dance. "Sile, Ever, help them. Do not argue."
I could only hope they would listen, because my full focus was now completely on Cearbhall. He smiled as we continued circling. "This could go on forever, Echo," he said. "You may as well accept defeat now and give up."
"That will never happen," I said, copying his victorious tone. "I will never give in to you. Not as long as I still have the breath and the will left to fight. As long as I can still believe."
Cearbhall laughed, a sharp, short sound. "Believe? What is there left to believe in, Echo? There is nothing!" He said, answering his own rhetorical question. "God has deserted us! We have nothing left!"
"No, you are wrong. God will never desert us. In truth, it is us who have deserted Him," I said, shaking my head at him in disbelief. "You can say it all you want, Cearbhall. That will never make it true."
"And you can believe it all you want, Echo," he said, copying my tone and my stance as we continued our endless circling. "That will never make God care for us again. If He even ever did."
"He did. I know He cared for us. How can you not remember the love we felt from Him? How can you so carelessly just throw everything away?"
"Don't be a hypocrite, Echo," he said. "You fell, just as I did. Just as they all will. All of them will slip up in some way and fall. I know it."
"You don't know everything. You hardly know anything," I said, trying and failing to keep calm. This conversation was just so frustrating. He was never going to get it. Never going to be be able to wrap his mind around it. That was just how he-how most Angels-thought.
"Maybe, maybe not." He shrugged, before lunging, sword aimed at my chest.
I fended the blow off easily, cutting up and under, managing to cut him across the thigh. He stumbled back, but almost immediately resumed the circle. I sighed. This really could go on forever.
"Echo, you're the one who doesn't get it. You never did and you never will," he said, voice conveying how much he actually believed what he was saying. "You could never understand-never accept the truth that was right there in front of your eyes."
"Oh, yeah?" I asked. "And what truth is that?"
"The truth that God has left us, if He was even ever with us. I don't think He ever was."
"Huh," I said, thinking it over. "Well, somehow, I just don't believe that."
"Oh? And why not?"
"Because," I said, meeting his gaze, "of the way you just did and have been saying His name. You still say it with the same reverence you always did."
Cearbhall stilled. "No, that is not true. I may have said it that way once, but not anymore. Not when I know the truth."
I stopped as well. "The truth you think is the truth is not real. Cearbhall, listen to me, what you think-what you may have been told-it is not true. I promise you that. Whoever told you that-they were lying. They were lying to you."
Cearbhall shook his head. "Now I know you're not telling me the truth, Echo."
I stared him in confusion, eyebrows scrunching together. "And why is that?"
"Because you're the one that told me that He had left us."