Letters to Papa

Why, Papa?

Dear Papa-

I turned eleven today. Frau Steiner gave me a notebook and a pen and told me it was about time I started a journal. A paper-and-ink friend, she called it. A friend who keeps your secrets.

I don't have any secrets, Papa, and I don't want any friends.

The other kids here are so mean to me. They call me a dirty Jew. They say I'm not a real German. But I AM German, Papa! I'm just as German as the rest of the kids here. I was born in Berlin and I've never been in a synagogue in my life and I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I AM German!

I thought that when I came to England, the name-calling would stop. I thought that people would like me, even though I am Jewish. But the kids still call me a dirty Jew. They still push me in the hallways and make me do the worst chores.

Why do they do this, Papa?

Why'd the Nazis have to take you, Papa?

Why, Papa?


Ich liebe dich-
