Letters to Papa

I Tell Myself Stories

Dear Papa-

Sometimes when I miss you I look out the window and try to find stars. You always loved the stars. You used to draw pictures of them for me. You used to tell me the stories that the stars told, about Hercules and Orion and Andromeda.

They were all such sad stories, Papa. Why were the stories so sad?

I've been looking at the stars a lot lately. It's the only thing that makes me feel better after Arthur Berg hits me and Rosa Diller writes "Dirty Jew" on my wall in black ink and I cry until my eyes are puffed up and red.

When everyone else is asleep, I look out the window and I tell myself stories. The ones you used to tell me, and others.

Once I told myself a story about a girl named Marta Leibermann. Her papa got taken by the Nazis, but Marta's friends, the stars, rescued him. Then Marta and her papa went and lived up in the sky and no one called them dirty Jews ever again.

Ich liebe dich-
