Letters to Papa

He Made Me Laugh

Dear Papa-

Frau Steiner took us on a nature walk today. A fat English gentleman named Mr. Montgomery came with us. He had a big round belly and a red face and fluffy snow-white hair and he didn't speak a word of German. Frau Steiner wants us to learn English, you see, and so we are going to talk to more English people. I'm learning, but it's very difficult.

Rudy and I seem to be becoming friends, Papa. He sat next to me at meals today and during lessons, and we walked together on the nature walk. This evening I helped him get the yellow Star of David off his coat. The fabric where the star used to be was darker than the rest of the fabric, so the Star is still visible, but not nearly as much.

It's strange having a friend, Papa. You would like Rudy, I think. He's a good mimic. He puffed out his cheeks and stuck out his stomach and stroked his chin and said in a funny voice, "I am an English gentleman! See the trees, children!" He made me laugh.

I haven't laughed in a very long time, Papa. And that scrawny little Rudy Vandenburg, he made me laugh.

Ich liebe dich-
