Letters to Papa

Definitely Friends Now

Dear Papa-

Frau Steiner put me and Rosa Diller together for a maths assignment today. Rosa Diller is STUPID, Papa. She thought that seven multiplied by twelve was seventy. Rudy heard Rosa say that and he and I laughed and laughed. Rudy had to work with Kurt Meminger, who is awful, but not nearly as bad as Arthur Berg.

Rudy and I are definitely friends now, Papa. This evening we played checkers for two hours. He beat me every time but it was still fun. He wants me to play piano for him. I might do that tomorrow. Except I haven't played piano since Germany, so I don't know how I'll sound. I hope I can still play Pachelbel's Canon. That's what I want to play for Rudy.

Rudy makes missing you less awful because he's so much like you. I still miss you, but Rudy makes it a little bit easier.

Ich liebe dich-
