Letters to Papa

Tell Them Hello

Dear Papa-

Today Frau Steiner took Rosa Diller, Arthur Berg, Kurt Meminger, Franz Hubermann, and Maria Werner out on what she called an "Immersion Tour". She explained to everyone in our year at school that the Immersion Tours are practical exams, and that she would be taking groups of five into London for the next week. While in London, we are only permitted to speak English. No German whatsoever. I'm nervous, Papa. I'm no good at English.

While that group was in London, Rudy and I played checkers. The other kids left us alone, two Jews together.

This evening, Rudy and I had the sitting room to ourselves, so he sat and drew (he's a brilliant artist) and I played the piano. At first my fingers were clumsy, but I did scales and a few exercises and then I felt confident again. I played Pachelbel's Canon better than I've ever played it before.

And Papa, I made Rudy cry.

I looked over at him after I finished playing and looked over at Rudy and saw a tear go down his face, then more and more. I sat with him and hugged him and he told me that his mother used to play Pachelbel's Canon on her piano, with his father accompanying her on his violin. And that I sounded just like how his mama sounded when she used to play.

Maybe you're in the same place as Herr and Frau Vandenburg.

If you are, tell them hello from Rudy.

Ich liebe dich-
