‹ Prequel: The Librarian 1
Sequel: Eponey 3
Status: Rekindled - Expect recurring Updates.

Secretary for Office of Schedules

Secretary for Office of Schedules

I'm Siglinde Schmidt, The Secretary for the office of Schedules.

This was a day as any other, the office was calm. I enjoy my work, finding it rather fulfilling and rewarding. Knowing my work helps so many students to further their studies. Even if I myself did not have as good assistance on this matter. Missing it, I work hard, and hope I do my best to give them, what I did no have. In my time at the school I was studying in, we had a fixed schedule.

Geniuses, Fools and plain stupid alike. This new system came to be, a few years ago. When I got word of the idea, I speed ahead, upgraded my grades as to be able to take this job. Guess if I was exited, when I learned that it went through, and, furthermore, I got the job. Ofcause, there are a few more of us here now. More then it would have been under the previous system.

At the time, there was only one here, and that was to guide them foreword when applying to the next school. Now, on the other hand, we are several around the clock. We work 6 hour shifts, and to sets of shifts, to make sure the desks are never unattended. Though the school hours are more occupied.

At this office, I've come to become friend to several students. For some reason, they seems to be the centaur type? Just like my best friend here; Eponey. Well, then again, I guess she was the first I met? Okey, everyone come here from time to time, but no-one as frequent as her. Neither were they speaking to me all that much.

They only came to fill in their occasional test, to go on. This office was to get even more crowded, as the Academies were due. The Centauri Academy was due first, as I had understood it. There was a special meaning with the first year at the academies. Teaching the students what was so special with the particularity. So, the Centauri Academy's first year would be lived on the Academy.

Everything was adjusted for the first year. There was to be Centaurs exclusively there. For several years, the teachers had to be human, though. First it was feared, it would take at least 10 years, to find sufficient amount of teachers, that idea came to shame, as it's to be believed to be much sooner now. this I knew as I met Eponey the first time.
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