Sequel: Daih'mon
Status: Rekindled - Expect recurring Updates.

Eponey 3

Eponey 3

At lunch, I met my friends; Celeste and Xenia. Then and there we decided to go see the next contest, which was due this very evening. The lunch went great. After lunch we went back to class and the subject on the discussion was the contest, last time we were there, it was 'King of Noses'.

This had been a comical event, then I said; “It's 'Mandarin of the Year' today!”

“Oh, Mandarin ? Was that not the ancient Chines? I've red about them, fascinating, they invented plenty of things!” Xenia asked.

“Yes, that would be it. But, not just any Chinese, and, we'll see them today!” Celeste replied.

“Ah, yes, and now we have the first door, I'm off to my class!” I Said.

Then I went in, knowing they went to their respective classes. After this class, I went to the library, and checked up a little detail. In the computer, I found the reference I was looking for; the waiting room had a portal to the arena, which was rather good. Then I went to the class. After that class, I went to the portal in the waiting room, from there I came to the arena. I really liked this, and looked forward to tell my friends.

I went back to school and the following classes. Then I met my friends after school and told them about this. We went to the library, and red the paper about the event. There we found out that the event at the arena would be just after school, this time, so we headed there, right away.

We got there, just in time to get the best places. This was the same great places we had last week, but now we had 3 seats, as we were now 3 girls, not 2. Once we had found our places, we had a burger, some candy and a coke.

As we were here in so good time, we finished it all off, well before anything really happened, so we went back for the popcorn. As we were eating the popcorn, something suddenly happened.
The event was announced; "the Mandarin of the year "

Something told me, the announcer was the last years winner, which would make sense, the guy really looked like one would have expected a Mandarin to look.

Then we saw the contestants coming in. We admired their elaborate costumes, known for the Mandarins, of that time. We knew the mandarins were originally Chinese. But here, that was not an issue. They were all somewhat rather short. Never the less, they were imposing, in some mysterious way. This was all very impressive, an intriguing event to behold.

Adoring all the mandarins, we did not really eat much. So, when the event was over we still had some snacks left.

We did not have any reason to hurry, so we took it slow. When most had left, we went back the way we came. Once there, we discussed the event in the library.
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I hope you enjoy the story.