Understanding What People Don't


That day was a little over a year ago, and god, it has been perfect since then. My life didn't drastically change when Eric and I started dating. No, but it got a little brighter.

He really was extraordinary. For our anniversary we had a picnic in his back yard where it is perfect to star gaze. You could see everything from Orion to Jupiter. It was amazingly gorgeous.

Just because he had money doesn't mean we did expensive things. Actually, I think our most expensive date was going to a theme park, but that isn't the point. We did simple things because that's what both of us liked. Sitting at home in our pajama's without me having to straighten my hair and with him in his adorable glasses was so much better than spending loads of money on a dinner that we could easily make ourselves. Well, not easily, but you get my point.

People gave us some strange during the beginning. At first they didn't understand why a boy as rich as him that could get any girl or guy he wanted with a blink of an eye would ever date a nobody like me. They also didn't understand why someone like me would ever go for someone who had a reputation of being a stuck up rich boy. That reputation only started because he would reject the whores of the school without caring very much if they felt bad or not. It didn't bother me when he rejected them, so why should I care?

It was a thrill now to be able to go up to my boyfriend and kiss him in school. We practically dared for people to call us out on it. Occasional words of hatred would slip someone's tongue, but Eric had a tongue just as venomous. He was witty and protective and boy was it sexy when he stood up for our relationship. Then again he was always sexy. I bit my lip thinking about it.

"Hey, are you okay?" Eric asked. We were walking down the hall. Somehow we got most of our classes together this year, not that I was complaining.

"Yeah, just thinking." I said smiling.

"Really? What about?" He asked pulling on our combined hands.

"You." I laughed.

He smiled. "Me? Only good things I hope?"

"Oh no, I'm thinking about how horrible and terrible you are." I mocked.

"That stung a bit." He mocked back.


"Good." He repeated pulling me in for a kiss which I happily obliged him.

We continued to walk to our next class chatting about random things. I caught site of Blake. He was smiling and laughing with his boyfriend. It wasn't my brother. Has heartbroken as he was over that boy, he didn't come out for him. He still hasn't come out. The head cheerleader has though, so currently he is single and having to date girls to keep his rep up.

We haven't talked much since that day. The occasional conversation here and there, but other than that nothing. I knew where he stood on things. If he wanted to be a coward and hide his feelings with banters towards me, that's fine. He can’t take a shot at my self-esteem all he wants. Eric was here now to help build it back up.

People used to come up to me to ask me why he chooses me, to ask me why someone with as many opportunities as him would choose someone like me. I would tell them they didn't understand me. They didn't know me. They would come back with saying they knew exactly who I was. I was the most popular guy's twin. I was quiet and I studied a lot. I would shrug it off and tell them then I guess they didn't understand him.

Since Eric, I found something my brother would never have that I always would. I could understand people. Understanding what people couldn't made life a whole lot more fun than being a jock in my opinion.

Like I said, things don't bother me that much anymore, just Eric.
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