Status: Active, I'm just really lazy.

I Found You Here, Now Please Just Stay for a While


“Although you try to fight, Dragged from the silence where you hide, as you scream, as you scream,” Zacky hummed along to one of his favourite songs while he had his head down on his desk. He couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened with Brian and Matt before, and of course he couldn’t forget the butterflies he got when Brian put his hand on his shoulder.
Oh how he wished he could tell Brian how he really felt…
Zacky slowly lifted his head up as someone called his name. He came face to face with the rest of his class staring at him, along with his teacher. Some kids started murmuring, but Zacky ignored them.
“You rang?” Zacky replied sarcastically, pulling one headphone out of his ear.
With a disgusted look, the teacher answered Zacky.
“I asked you a question Zachary.”
Zacky hated when people – especially teachers – called him by his first name. It pissed him off, and he didn’t particularly like this teacher, Mrs whatever her name was. He didn’t really care about remembering names.
“Which was? And don’t call me Zachary. It’s Zacky.”
“Do not speak to me like that, Zachary Baker or I’ll send you to th-”
“What part don’t you understand? The part where I obviously don’t give a fuck what you say or what you do, or the part where I kindly asked you not to call me Zachary?!” Zacky spat out at the teacher, obviously pissed off. A few people gasped, a few snickered but most started talking about him and about how ‘fucked up’ he was. The teacher, on the other hand, was fuming, and she looked like she wanted to tear Zacky’s face off.
“ZACHARY BAKER, GO TO THE PRINICPAL’S OFFICE NOW YOU…YOU…YOU MISFIT!” She bellowed, scaring the majority of the class, who instantly shut up. Zacky, on the other hand, only laughed. He stood up, gathered all his belongings and started towards the door, before turning around to the teacher. Zacky was stubborn, and always had to have the last word.
“Yeah well, I like the Misfits and I like being a Misfit. And by the way, it’s Zacky.”

As he walked towards the principal’s office, it suddenly dawned on Zacky that his mother was going to go off at him, which also meant he’d be grounded. He hit his head against the nearest wall.
“Fuck fuck fuck. Zacky you’re such a dumbass.” He muttered to himself, before continuing his walk. He considered just running out of the school and going down to the dock for a smoke, but he realised it was a stupid idea and he’d be in more trouble than ever. He finally made it to the principal’s office. He calmly sauntered over to the assistant’s desk, who turned her head up and sighed at Zacky. He was there every other week, but she actually thought he was pretty cool, with his snakebites and Misfit’s shirt.
“Ah Zacky. What’ve you done this time? Caused a fight in class? Started a fire in science? Dislocated someone’s arm again?” The assistant asked.
Ah, what was her name? …Helena. There we go.
“Oh haha. I’m not that violent,” Zacky laughed.
“My bitch of a teacher was just…you know. Treating me like shit, calling me Zachary and just acting like I was a dumbass. So, I kinda yelled. And swore.” He shrugged.
“Oh god Zacky, you just love talking back eh? Don’t worry, I was the same in high school…” Helena laughed. They then both turned when the sound of the door opening came from behind them. Zacky’s eyes suddenly went wide as he stared at Brian.
Oh god, why does he have to be here?!
Helena poked her head out from behind Zacky, and openly checked Brian out. Zacky dropped his gaze towards the floor. It was no secret that any girl would fall for the drop-dead gorgeous Brian Haner jr. Of course Brian would choose a cute assistant over him. Who wouldn’t? But when Zacky looked back up, it was Brian who was staring at Zacky…almost…lovingly. He shook his head. I must be joking. BRIAN, looking at ME? No. Zacky met Brian’s gaze, and Brian smiled before blushing. He then dropped his gaze and continued his walk up to the assistant’s desk. Zacky blushed and smiled to himself before walking to sit down on one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs.
“Um…hi. Can I help you?” Helena flirtatiously smiled at Brian, leaning forward. Brian almost looked repulsed, but he regained his composure before answering her.
“I’m here to see the principal. See, I’ve been a bad boy.” Brian winked at Helena, who in turn went all red.
“Oh, well he’s a bit busy right now, but please take a seat over there.”
“Thanks hun.” Brian winked again before sauntering over to the seats. There were heaps of seats, yet Brian decided to sit next to Zacky, causing him to blush. Brian turned to him and smiled, which made Zacky melt. Does he even know the effect he’s having on me? Geez Zach, get it together. Of course he doesn’t. Because he doesn’t like you. He likes brain dead blonde cheerleaders with huge boobs. Not some kid who listens to punk and metal. Well what if? Maybe…just maybe.
Zacky must’ve made it evident that he was arguing with himself, because he heard a chuckle coming from beside him, and as he turned, he found Brian staring at him. They made eye contact, and Zacky was unable to break the hold Brian had over him. Those beautiful brown eyes…he finally remembered to breathe, and Brian lazily smirked. He flicked his eyes to Zacky’s lips, then back to him. Zacky licked his lips on impulse, and as he did so, he thought he saw something in Brian’s eyes…lust? No. It couldn’t have been. He must be dreaming. He didn’t realise how close Brian had gotten to him until he felt his hot breath on his face. The smell of cigarettes, mint and something else turned him on like crazy. Brian flicked his eyes back to Zacky’s lips, ever so slowly closing the gap between them. Zacky slowly leant forward, until their lips were inches apart. Zacky’s heart was beating so hard it sounded like it might break out of his chest any minute. Brian chuckled, and slowly brought his hand up to rest on Zacky’s cheek.
Is this really happening, or am I hallucinating?!
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I felt like leaving on that cliffhanger, just cause I'm evil.