Window Seats

On Marlon Brando

I smiled as I picked the string on the hem of my faded Smiths t-shirt. Roy and his girlfriend sat in front of me in the small coffee shop we were currently at. Roy had decided it was finally time for me and Jane to meet his new girlfriend, although Jane couldn’t make it to the meeting.

“Well this is Allison” he announced proudly as he wrapped his arm over the petite brunette’s shoulders. “We’ve been dating for about two and a half months and I thought it was time that you met her.”

She smiled warmly as she sipped her coffee, “Roy’s told me all about you and how you’ve been friends practically all of your life. I still don’t know why he kept me away from you for such a long time.”

I shrugged as I laughed, “He thinks I’ll be like his mum and criticize all that you do, he feels threatened by how much his mum and I get along”

“It’s uncanny” he muttered.

“There’s nothing wrong with that” Allison smiled.

“He’s just insecure you know,” I laughed as I leaned closer to her and she did the same, “inside all that muscle and ego he’s still scared of his mum”.

Allison laughed as she turned to look at him and kiss his cheek, “Aren’t we all?” she mumbled before wiping the imaginary crumbs of her black blouse. “I’ve got to go; I have to be at work in about 20 minutes”. She nodded as if agreeing with herself as she looked down at the watch placed on her wrist.

“It was nice meeting you” I smiled as I stood up to hug her. She nodded her head before saying the same thing and giving Roy a chaste kiss before walking out of the small coffee shop.

“She’s nice” I mumbled as I looked at Roy.

He nodded his head enthusiastically, “I told you you’d like her, she’s amazing. She was really nervous to meet you, she though you and Jane weren’t going to like her. She thought she you were going to think she was too plain or something, I think she feels as though you two are some really high end fashion designers or something and would just dismiss her”

“Is that how you describe us to your friends?” I scoffed as I moved the hair from my eyes, “Well we still have to wait for Jane to pass her judgment” I snickered, knowing Jane she would never approve of Allison just as she had never liked any of Roy’s previous girlfriends.

“And that’s what I’m worried about” he muttered nervously.

“Eh, don’t worry about it, you liking her is the only thing that matters. Forget about Jane and her ridiculous standards” I laughed. He laughed along nervously as he ran his hand through his brown hair and his eyebrows furrowed. “Roy, can you do me a favor?” I asked as a way to get his mind off his nervous feelings.

“Sure” he shrugged his shoulders.

“Go buy me a pastry or something” he smiled and rolled his eyes. “Just get some money out of my bag. I nodded towards my bag that was placed on the farthest corner of the small wooden table.

He nodded before taking my bag and rummaging through its contents to find some stray money. He smiled in triumph as he grabbed the money and began walking towards the array of baked goods and pastries.

He was smirking as he came back to the small table holding 2 small cupcakes. “And what could this be?” he asked mischievously as he placed a small piece of paper in my hand along with the cupcake.

“What?” I questioned nervously as I wiped some icing off the top of the small cake. I quickly looked over to the small sheet only to see that note Vincent had handed me a few days ago when we somewhat introduced ourselves to one another.

“This note” he placed his head on his hand as he batted his eyelashes, “Ooh, I’m Vincent the second. I’m Annabel Lee” he said in a falsetto voice.

“Please don’t ever do that voice again, that is if you hope to someday get married” I muttered.

“What is this? Who have you been talking to? And where? I don’t see anyone coming in or out of your place.” He questioned.

“It’s a note Roy, please use your eyes. Just some guy I met when I was on my way to Willow, and no you don’t know him because I’ve only talked to him at that time. It’s nothing serious” I mumbled nervously, although I didn’t quite know why I was so nervous to tell this information to my best friend.

“Now Bells, what have I told you about talking to strangers, especially to strangers you often see.” he took to the parental tone he seemed to have whenever I talked to him about meeting boys, the same one he had all throughout our time in school.

“Shut it, it’s harmless talking.” I shook my head, “Well not even talking, we’ve just been writing notes back and forth. It’s completely harmless”

Roy’s stern gaze turned into something more playful and he placed his hands underneath his chin, “A man huh?” he wiggled his eyebrows.

“It’s not like that” I muttered, “It just gets awfully boring in the mornings and we just started talking” I lifted my hands making air quotes around the word talking.

“Whatever Bells” he smiled, “Tell me, what’s he like? Is he handsome? Does he look like you always envisioned your perfect man? Like Marlon Brando?”

I pictured Marlon Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire and the night when Roy and I stayed up watching the movie and I told him Marlon Brando was my perfect man. Something he decided he would never forget, I rolled my eyes, “Oh shut it” I muttered before giving my full attention to the cupcake in front of me.