Status: College is around the corner so I try to update as frequently as I can!

Silver Confetti


The hours came and went on that black couch. Dan was still lost in a dream land and Phil only kept partial attention to the television. He would often catch his gaze looking past the sliding glass doors, past the balcony, and into the city below while his mind tried to shift through solutions.

It was three in the afternoon when he had finally realized there was no point waiting much longer. The weather was obviously not going to hold up long enough for him to go make himself look decent and sneak off into town. No, at some point he had focused long enough to check the weather channel and the forecast turned out to be a bust. Yet tomorrow was looking slightly more promising. He’d have to come up with a good enough reason to nonchalantly leave the flat tomorrow without being accompanied. And that would prove to be difficult enough on its own.

He figured he’d search around online later, check a few shops, try not to waste too much precious time looking like a lost puppy when he actually got there. But now it was time for lunch, he couldn’t put the grumbling in his stomach off any longer.

Somehow he had figured out a way to unravel his arms from Dan’s limp body that was heavy with a deep sleep. Looking past his shoulder, he swung his right leg over the back of the couch and pushed up with his arm until both legs were touching the back. He let the weight push his body down to the floor until, after hours laying parallel, his body was in an upright position. He had dead arm from where Dan decided mid-dream to use it as a pillow, but was slowly coming back to life enough for him to adjust his pajamas where they became askew.

Quietly, he padded his way back to the front of the couch and pulled the afghan back down past Dan’s shoulders and fixed the side that had accidently got pulled. He bent down until he was almost eye-level with him and softly stroked the misplaced hair from his peaceful face.

“I’m going to make this special for you”, he whispered, “I promise.”

And with one long peck to the forehead he proceeded to make his way, for the second time that day, to the kitchen.


“I don’t really think I can be much of an assistance with this you know. Yeah, we have been friends a while and I’d like to think we’re pretty close... but this isn’t even for Christmas, it’s his anniver… I don’t know, maybe a holiday? Yes, a vacation. Somewhere warm , just yous two, escape the cold. Where? Somewhere he always wanted to go I suppose. Did he ever subtly mention… not that I can think of. Maybe Chris…? No wait, dear God, don’t call Chris. I’ll be there, first thing tomorrow. Yes, Starbucks at 9. And Phil…? Don’t worry. I know Dan and, whatever happens, he’ll love it. …Why? Because he loves you. Alright, tomorrow then. Bye.”

It was about twenty-past-five when he had gotten off the phone with PJ. He had sandwiches set out and made when Dan had somewhat stirred himself awake. But they only were able to have a brief chat before Phil had summoned him right back off to bed. Part of that chat consisted of mentioning that the late night escapades of movie marathons and video games, no matter how tempting, were going to have to come to an end. Though the atmosphere tempted otherwise, it wasn’t healthy to continue on knocking their sleep schedule out of whack. The world around them was moving, and they had to somewhat pick up the pace.

The other part of the conversation was a bit more vague. It was somewhat wrong, he knew, to use Dan’s drowsiness to his advantage, but he saw the opportunity and little other way.

You see, timing on Phil’s behalf was bittersweet. His older brother, Martin had made plans to visit their flat sometime in the evening the following day. He and Phil made a tradition to go Christmas shopping for their family together and plan out how to coordinate the holidays. With neither of them currently living at home with their parents, they liked to schedule properly the time between friends and family. Martin’s girlfriend Cornelia would also be joining, as the four of them also had to also take into consideration the family of their respective partner.

Some years this proved to be a challenge, but either way it always took up at least two days. So, of course, it went without saying that Phil and Dan would be expecting visitors overnight. Which was something their apartment wasn’t exactly yet presentable for. But Phil worked it. With some convincing he made the point that 24 hours would go by very quickly and time would be better spent if their chores were divided. Dan would stay home tomorrow and start with the arranging: laundry to do, sinks to clean, games to set aside; and Phil would brace the winter to pick up the groceries and a few space heaters so to comfortably get by.

There were nitches in that plan, Dan knew, but Phil sounded so sure and he was to out of it to put up a reasonably good argument. And Phil thankfully noted it took very little to watch him get situated into bed. His boyfriend could argue with the best of them if he got testy, and tired was always one step away from that type of grumpy.

But the call was made and plans were set. PJ, one his trusted, and obviously more romantic, friends would assist him to the shops. It was already November 27th, and even with PJ’s advice, the worry was starting to set in.