Status: Active ! :D

Sharpen Your Teeth & Bite As Hard As You Want

The Tattoo That Lead to Trouble

*Stormy's POV*

It was a normal morning. I woke up & got ready for work . By the way, I’m a tattoo artist (: I got a text from Mike, here's how our convo went :

Mikeey: Hey Stormy! What's happening at work today?

Me: Nothing much, i have an appointment at 11. It shouldn’t take long, why?

Mikeey: Well, you see . . . the boys & i are thinking about getting some new ink.

Me: Except Vic?

Mikeey: Yes Except Vic, but he would love to come & watch!

Me: No! I don’t want no pansy ass momma's boys in my shop (: ahaa Jk He can totally come!

Mikeey: Yaaay! Well, we will be there around 1, See Ya then. Bye Love

Me: Bye Mike :D

Well great the boys were coming! I loved these guys with all my heart. & even though Mike & i had some history we were still best friends. God Damn, Vic was the biggest momma's boy i had ever met. He really needs to act like a 29 year old & not a 5 year old. But i kind of wanna say his clingy stage was kind of over. He used to always have to be w. his mom, but then he switched to Kail. But i mean i could understand that she was pregnant and he loved her more than he loved oxygen. & let me tell you Vic loved his oxygen. If someone was smoking he would make them go somewhere else because they were de-purifying his precious oxygen. Well anyways i have to get to work (:

At work:

"I hope you like your tattoo, you were one of the easiest people i have ever worked on" I said with a smile.

"Thanks, i really hope i can come back for another one, sometime soon." she said looking me straight in the eyes.

Then she walked out the door. It was 12:50 & the boys should be here any minute! I was excited, i loved tattooing my boys (: they were some of my favorite customers.

I was cleaning up my station when i heard the receptionist call "Stormy, you've got 4 good looking boys here for ya"

"Send them my way” I yelled.

I saw the boys coming toward me as i was setting up.

"Well, Hello there my love " Jaime said, then kissed my cheek

"Stormy, my little love bug" Mike said with a cheesy smile then hugged me.

"Oh have i missed you" Vic said as he was suffocating me

"Hi Stormy " Said Tony

"Hey Tony" I said

It was awkward and we were just standing there.

So Mike yelled out " Who's ready to get some new ink?!"

The boys all cheered and shouted.

-5 hours later-

It was about 6 o'clock & Tony was the last person i would be tattooing today. It was just me & him in that tiny little tattooing space of mine. The boys had left to go get all of us some food. They said they would be gone for half an hour. It was gonna be the longest half hour of my whole entire life.

Tony was getting a tattoo if a turtle with a castle on its back. Tony loved turtles. We began making small talk when the door opened. I shot up hoping it was the boys because i was starving. But to my dismay, it was Stephanie. She gave me the dirtiest look ever & went to Tony & started making out with him.

The boys walked in & Mike yelled “Hey Steph, don’t swallow Tony! We need him & plus he's getting a tattoo."

"Yea so get off of him" Vic said.

Stephanie got off of him & stood right next to him, watching me like a hawk. Tony looked up at me and smiled. Steph saw it & stormed out of the little shop.

"What's her problem?" Jaime asked.

"I don’t know?" Tony replied.

"Well, you guys need to stop what you are doing and come and eat this yummy food" Vic yelled at the top of his lungs.

We ate and then i finished Tony's tattoo & the boys left home.

*Tony's POV*

Stormy's a really amazing tattoo artist. On the way driving home i couldn’t stop thinking about her! She was just an amazing person. I was finally home and i got out of my car and walked inside. I walked upstairs to my room and Steph was there. She was asleep and looked absolutely terrible. I think she cried herself to sleep.
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Hey guys ! I hope you like it :D
Stormy's outfit: