Status: Active ! :D

Sharpen Your Teeth & Bite As Hard As You Want

Throwing Up Everything But My Memories.

*Stormy’s POV*
Wow, life is beginning to become amazing.

Or so I thought. I woke up that morning to a very distressed Tony. He looked like he had barely gotten any sleep and that worried me.

I sat up and asked “Hey is everything alright?”

He jumped like I had scared him and said “Yea, everything is going good.”, then ran off into the bathroom.

I’m pretty sure I heard him throwing up. And just at that moment I had an uncontrollable urge to purge.

I ran to the bathroom door and yelled “Tony open the door, I have to throw up!”

The door flew open to reveal a frantic Tony with throw up on his shirt. At that point I didn’t care if he looked like ass and that it smelled like puke in the bathroom.

Surprisingly, Tony put away his own pain and helped me with mine. He held my hair while I threw up everything but my memories.

When I was done, I sat on the bathroom floor and began to cry. Tony sat there with me and just held my while tears flowed out.

Just then Tony got up and walked out of the bathroom.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“To get something that might help.” He said while changing his shirt and putting on deodorant.

While he was gone I just sat there in the bathroom thinking about why I was throwing up.

Was I getting sick?

Was it food poisoning?

Was I allergic to something?

Did I eat something bad?

Was I hung over?

Did Tony throwing up make me throw up?

And worst of all, could I be pregnant?

No, I couldn’t be pregnant. Tony & I were always very careful. We both had thriving careers, a baby could mess all of that up.

Seriously though, who wants to be tattooed by a pregnant woman?

I got up and sat on the bed, anxiously waiting for Tony to get back.

When he got back I was nervous as hell.

He walked in the room with a Wal-Mart bag.

What the hell did he get from Wal-Mart?

He dumped the contents of the bag on the bed. Out fell four pregnancy tests.

Pregnancy tests? What? Why? Did he think I might be pregnant?

He looked at me and said “Please, just try them.”

He looked so sad and so heartbroken. I agreed and took all four tests into the bathroom and shut the door.

I peed on all four.

I walked out of the bathroom and sat on the bed.

Tony asked “So what’s the verdict?”

“I don’t know, we have to wait five minutes.” I said reluctantly.

When those long five minutes passed, Tony & I walked hand in hand to the bathroom.

He picked up two tests and so did I.

We flipped the tests over and I began to cry when I saw the results.
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Hope you guys like it :D