Status: Active ! :D

Sharpen Your Teeth & Bite As Hard As You Want

You Don't Care.

*Stormy’s POV*

-Two Months Later-

That night when Tony and I had our little quarrel, I got pregnant.

I’m tow moths pregnant and Stephanie is three.

I couldn’t be happier! Kail was about to pop any second. She was so big and I couldn’t wait for that baby boy to come out so I could see first-hand what it was like to raise a baby before mine came.

Tony, on the other hand, wasn’t as excited as I was.

He had me to worry about, but then he also had Stephanie.

I didn’t want him going to her doctor’s appointments or anything like that. What if he gets attached to her baby?

What if he was so excited for her and he came to find out that it isn’t his?

I couldn’t think of how sad that would make him. I even told him not to go to these appointments, but he didn’t listen. He said I was being “a selfish bitch”. He said I need to not think of myself all the time.

Was he stupid?

I was not thinking of myself all the time. I was a very caring and considerate person.

He doesn’t understand that I’m trying to look out for him and his feelings.

After that fight, everything went downhill.

I don’t live with the boys anymore; I live with one of my close friends Perla.

Perla and I go way back. We were great friends in high school. We were just as good as friends as Kail and I were.

We were having the time of our lives living together. Being with her always made me forget about the dumb shit between Tony and I.

But today everything changed.

Tony came by today.

He rang the doorbell and i let him in, and then led him to the living room where we could talk.

He sat on the couch and looked me straight in the eye and said “Babe you know I love you. I’m sorry about our fight but I don’t understand why you don’t like her. If you still want to be with me you have to understand that I might be having a baby with her. Okay? I know you and I are having a kid and I’m excited, but I also have to support Steph too.”

“Why are you saying this now? You let me move out and you acted like Stephanie was more important than I was. Do you know how much that killed me? Thank God for Perla. I don’t know what I would have done without her. She helped me so much and now you want to come here and mess everything up.”

“How am I messing things up? I’m trying to fix things.”

“Yes, I know you are. But I have feelings too. Stephanie kicked you’re heart in the ass and know you want to flock to her because you might be having a baby with her. Try and see where I’m coming from. I feel like you are gonna end up replacing me with her.”

“Oh baby, I could never replace you.”

“Well, I don’t know that for sure. When you told me to leave, it was pretty clear that you wanted nothing to do with me.”

“Well sometimes our anger gets the best of us.”

“But still I was pregnant too. You obviously care about her more than me.”

“If I didn’t care about you, do you think I would be here?”

“If you really cared, you would have never told me to leave and we wouldn’t be having this argument.”

“Do you hear…….” He was cut off by my phone ringing. It was Vic.

What did he want? I was not in a good mood.

“Hello?” I answered pissed off.

“Kay’s water broke!” he sounded so frantic.

“What?” I yelled and stood up.

“Yea, get to the hospital now!” Then he hung up.

“We have to go! Kail’s water broke.” And with those words we ran to Tony’s car and raced as fast as we could to the hospital, forgetting everything that had just happened moments ago.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, had to have more drama ♥