Status: Active ! :D

Sharpen Your Teeth & Bite As Hard As You Want

Breaking The News.

One week later-

*Tony's POV*-

It was a normal day, woke up around noon Steph was gone, & i decided to get up and get ready for my day. Around 4 i went to pick up Steph from work , lately she hadn't been herself since i got my new tattoo from Stormy, she seemed like she never wanted to be around me .She jumped in the car & didn't even say anything . We were about 5 minutes away from home when she tells me to pullover. I pull over & she starts crying.

I ask her what's wrong & she says “Tony, i cheated on you”

I didn’t know what to say. I just sat there & didn’t say anything, i couldn’t even look at her .I loved this girl and she cheated on me. I started the car & drove to the house that i share with the guys. I walked in and thanked god that everyone was in their rooms. Steph came in the room & started packing her stuff.

I asked “What are you doing?"

She said “I’m packing, I’m leaving. I’m going to Andre’s”

Surprised i asked “Why Andre’s?"

She said “He’s the one i cheated on you with”

When those words came out of her mouth i really didn’t know what to do, Andre was my boss. That meant i couldn’t confront him or start anything with him because he could kick the band off the Label. I couldn’t do that to the band. I went downstairs & grabbed a bottle of water & sat on the couch to watch Star Wars, it always calmed me down.

4 hours later Steph was gone & so was all her stuff, i went back into my room to find only my things & none of hers. Then i looked at the bed & she had put all the things i had given her in a box with a note that read “Tony, we can't be together. So here is everything you ever gave me. I’m sorry, but I’m done with you . . . . . forever." I sat there & cried until Vic came in. He saw me crying & asked what was wrong. I told him everything & he was angry.

*Stormy's POV*

It was about 4 & i was bored as hell. I guess i must have fallen asleep, cuss next thing i know Stephanie is at the door asking for Andre. What could she possibly want with Andre? She has the man i was in love with and i sure as hell didn’t want her to have my brother.

I ask her why she needs to see him & she gives me a smirk and says “Just bring him down here!"

I slam the door in her face & take my phone out, call Andre & tell him that the devil is here for his soul. He obviously knew who i was talking about & ran downstairs as fast as he could.

He opens the door & they kiss. My first instinct was to throw up, but then i think why is she kissing him when she was dating Tony? I was beyond pissed & called Mike as Stephanie and Andre went upstairs. I tell him what happened & all he can say is you need to get here fast. I have a feeling that he knows something terrible is going on, but just won’t tell me.

I go upstairs to change my clothes into this and fix my hair . When i go downstairs Stephanie & Andre are taking boxes upstairs to his room. I ask him what’s in the boxes & he says that it’s all of "Steph's" things. I couldn’t even talk. I didn’t want to live in the same house as this monster!

I quickly go upstairs & grab a change of clothes, pj’s, my makeup & other things i need to get ready.

I didn’t want to sleep here tonight so i figured I’d crash at Vic’s. I jump in my car, start blasting Pierce the Veil & drive to the guy's house.

All i can think of is Tony and how heartbroken he must be. Then suddenly i think of my best friend Kaylynn. She was 6 months Prego & i hadn't seen her in like a day. Not seeing her every day was weird cuss we had been together every day since our Sophomore Year of high school. I finally pull up to the boy’s house, grab my bag & start walking to the door.

They must have heard me pull in cuss Mike & Vic opened the door quickly & pulled me in as Mike grabbed my bag & threw it by the couch. I walk in & all i see is Tony look up at me with his big, brown, watery eyes. His puppy dogs eyes make me start tearing up. I’ve ever seen him cry before.
♠ ♠ ♠
Stormy's outfit:
What she took :

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