Status: Active ! :D

Sharpen Your Teeth & Bite As Hard As You Want

That Classic Smile.

*Stormy's POV*

I didn’t know what to do. Everyone was sitting around looking at him as if he was dying. I think he was dying on the inside.

Stephanie was his everything & she was gone. I've never really talked to Tony about her, but the guys knew how he felt about her & they told me how happy she made him. I've seen Tony when he's with her & he's just a big smiley goof-ball. I can tell that he's happy with her. I feel terrible that Tony is crying over a 2 cent whore that cheated on him , but in the back of my mind all i can think about is me & Tony possibly getting together .

I know it’s shallow & absolutely terrible, but I’ve waited for Tony since high school. He always had a girlfriend & whenever i thought i was close to getting my chance with him, some slut would come along and fuck it all up.

I was just standing by the door & saw everyone disappear. It was just me & Tony in that small little living room. Tony got up off the floor & sat on the couch. I don’t know what i was thinking, but suddenly i went over to the TV & put in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie.

It went to the menu & i walked into the kitchen. I got 2 bottles of water, & 2 apples. I had a craving for popcorn, but Tony & i were both vegan. I don’t know why i wanted popcorn? It was weird, i hated popcorn & it wasn’t even vegan. I gave Tony the water & apple. He looked up at me & i could see the sorrow in his eyes, just him looking at me made me want to cry. I mean why would you hurt someone like him? He was one of the nicest guys i had ever known. He would do anything for anyone.

As i was sitting down, i realized that i hadn’t even pressed play on the movie. I picked up the remote and pressed play.

Tony took a bite of his apple & i laughed at the crunching sounds his mouth was making. He looked at me like i was on crack.

He asked “What’s so funny?”

I said “The crunching sounds you’re making, i don’t know why, but . . . . . . I find them amusing”

I smiled & waited for his reaction. He turned the other way, took another bite & looked at me while i was laughing (: He smiled. My heart melted when he smiled, & it was a good smile too .It wasn’t a fake smile; it was a classic Tony smile.

“You smiled" i said.

“Well, you made me smile”, he said quietly.

I blushed. & all he did was smile which made me blush more. During the middle of the movie, i started falling asleep. I wake up & I’m in Tony's room.

I sit up & all he says is “Well good morning sunshine “.

I ask surprised “it’s morning already?”

He says with a big smile " No, silly”

I get up & see my bag on the floor of his room. I’m tired of my clothes & want to put on my pj’s. Tony is so quiet that i forgot he was even in the room. So i get up, get my bag, place it on the bed, take my pj’s out & begin to take my clothes off. He starts to laugh then touches my lower waist.

I freak out & ask “what are you doing?”

He says, “You have the name Tony tattooed on your waist, why?”

I get embarrassed, & say “Well, last summer i went on tour w. my brother & Woe, Is Me. The last night of tour, my bro roofed everyone, including me. I wake up & i have this."

He smiles & traces the tattoo with his fingers. I begin to take off my pants & he walks over to his dresser & pulls out basketball shorts. He, too, begins to strip. He puts on the shorts & crawls into bed.

I’m finally done getting dressed & ask “So i guess I’m sleeping in here tonight?”

He says with a slight smile “Only if you want too”.

I crawl into bed next to him. & he says “so I’ll take that as you want to sleep with me “.

I hit him softly & say “Just go to sleep turtle".

Without hesitation he says “You need an animal name that only i can call you”.

I say “Well i like lions”.

He smiles " That’s perfect, my little lion”.

I can’t help but smile. He gave me a pet name. No one had ever done that before. He gets up and turns off the light.

I say “Tony, I’m scared of the dark “.

He says “It’s okay; this big tough turtle won’t let anything happen to you ".

I ask myself if he has forgotten about his ex. probably not. It’s only been 8 hours, since she broke the news to him.
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Thanks for @woeisblaze :D this chapter is just for you babygirl ♥