‹ Prequel: Daih'mon
Sequel: Xenia 2
Status: Rekindled - Expect recurring Updates.

John Doe 1

John Doe

“Game over, Man .. Game over!” I preached, with my usual apocalyptic resignation.

Well, no-one ever listened, they did not care. And why should they, they could not understand. To them I was just that looney loser. They did not know what I mean. How could they understand, this was the end.

Now humanity would never again rule the heavens and the earth. Alone. Ok, there was the occasional belief in a god or the other. But, that did not change the fact. I had red the reports, months ago. At first it did not occur to me, but then it did. Further reports came in, and I breathlessly read them all. Over and over, Till I know them by heart. After some time, I came to think of it, maybe this was not all that bad, after all. It would be the end, alright. For the mentioned epoch, but so what? I was beginning to be fascinated. What would really be so bad in all of this? This I pondered for myself, and for myself only ..

I was getting the creeping suspicion, others would not see this. And even if they did, would they share my fascination? Was I getting paranoid, I asked myself ? Well, better that, then what could be otherwise. I guess one could say I was lucky. Unknowingly and most certainly, not of my own choice. This was my job, and a job that had to be done. Well payed, but a job that had to be done, nevertheless. Such work carried risks, I knew. But at that time, I had no choice. Now, with that choice, I could not back down, still. I was hooked, like on the most addictive of drugs. That I could not say, others could not be let in, trusted.

I knew all too well, what that would lead to, the result. I've read reports on such happenings, most unfortunate. That was what it had been called. Some nasty accident, I was told, knowing, that was not the case. Such does not happen on a daily bases, in convenient situations.

The place I was informed this was, was called 'Ki Kokoro'. What it meant, I did not know. But, someone had guessed, it meant something like "the heart of power". This did not make sense?

Today I was sitting at the M.I.B. bar. That's the name of the place. I sometimes frequented it, like so many other places here. Not because I was an actual M.I.B., I only was an agent for some bureau. Something equivalent to the CIA, but more sophisticated. Rather secretive, some knew about us existing, we did not work to hide it, unlike the M.I.B.'s, and not any other coverups. We were simply secretive, for the sake of our own safety. And with my resent assignment, I could clearly see the need for it. There are other places here. Like "Point Zero", “the C.I.A.”, “the Majestic 12”. Cafes, Bars, Pubs. Then we have '”he Crash Down”, “Area 51”, and the “Hangar 18”. I liked to frequent these places, this kind of places. Just regular American pubs and bars, nothing fancy, or sleazy. I'd try to avoid both fancy, and sleazy establishments, they made me sick to my stomach, or uncomfortable in general.

I liked them, even before I joined up. I had all my friends there and that's where I got my job. Much of my work is still done here and places just like it. I meet friends and coworkers, and sometimes others, working against me? That's part of the game, and why we have to be secretive. We all had to accept this at the very start. Those who could not live with it, are no more. We all invent our own idea, who we're supposed to be, masking why we're here, and what we do here. Some statistics guy noticed, less leaks, and accidents occurred on these places, and thus here we are. I mostly act as a reporter, we have a little paper. It's actually sold here, by some of us, mostly. Some others are artists, or insurance agents. I guess these are easy to combine.

At the moment, I'm reading a report, zipping on my hot coffee. I did not like to stay at one place too long, trying the patience of the owners. I finished up on this report, drinking up my coffee, then left the place. There were after all plenty of other places. I did not plan a rout, that was bad business. I did not plan to have myself killed, or leak. For that I was way too responsible towards others.

After a few minutes, I reached another pub. As I ordered a pint, I spotted another friend, who handed me a map As it turned out, it contained another report, I red through. I made a most interesting discovery, some was actually dedicated as humans. That I found most curious. I had not expected it. As it was getting late, I drank the beer, and went home.
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01/10/(1.0.3) John Doe

It's a side plot. Yet, in the age of cloke and dagger, this is where the actual story is revealed, and where you learn most of what you're about to learn.

The fact that it seems tobe so remote to the actual story, both in location, and in life stile, as well as the very essence? It's exactly why.

I'm pondering how to express the locations, the pubs and cafes, from an American view point.
Maybe I still should place a few words out, brushing some more colours of detail over this particular vista?
Same goes for the streets, between these establishments. I'm considering more regular streets, in a setting, not too far from where people live and work.