Status: Hi.

I Think I Saw You in My Sleep Darling


'College is stupid, people are stupid, life is stupid.' Niall said to his roommate, Harry Styles. Harry laughed and got up from his bed to open the blinds to their apartment.
'Well whatever mate. It is what it is, I best bet we ought to start getting dress for college. Don't want to be late again.' Harry hit Niall's leg on the way to the bathroom to get dressed. Niall reluctantly got up to get dressed. He pulled out a grey button-up and a simple pair of black skinny jeans. Harry came out around the same time a knock was heard at their door.
'Well go get it.' Niall rolled his eyes and walked to the door. His other best friend, Liam Payne, entered the room.
'You guys ready?' Liam asked, walking over to the kitchen where he grabbed a banana. Both boys nodded and grabbed their backpacks.
'I gotta go pick up Danielle.'
'Does that mean I have to sit in the back?' Harry jutted out his bottom lip and Liam simply laughed and nodded his head as he turned on the car. They drove in silence until they reached Liam's girlfriend's house.
'I love Danielle but it was just supposed to be a bro's ride today.' Harry said as soon as Liam got out the car. Niall shrugged his shoulders and leaned his head back into the seat, hoping to catch a short nap before heading to college.
The drive to their school took them quite some time. A traffic jam started before they could enter the building which almost led them to be late to their first course. Niall ran to his seat, in a semi-groggy state. Niall sat down all the way in the back as his friends chose seats closer to the professor. Niall placed his backpack next to his seat and placed his head down, almost immediately, on the little desk that came with the chair.
'Ah, Miss. Kelsey, why are you late to class today?' Niall heard the professor tell a student.
'There was traffic and I had to go give a note to the office for Andrew Wright.' The professor hummed in response.
'Well there's a seat next to Mr. Niall Horan. Niall, raise your hand.' Niall raised his head up and tried so hard not to let his jaw drop. The girl that was walking the short distance to sit next to him was the most popular girl in school. Her jean jacket crop top revealed a little bit of her stomach which made Niall's inside flutter in the most obscure way. She smiled as she stood by Niall.
'Um, hi. Is that your bag?' Niall looked down to the seat and noticed, yes that was his bag.
'Oh, I'm sorry.'
'No worries.' She sat down and dug around in her bag for her book. Niall sighed and decided, he might as well get some sleep in the class he was acing in.
'I'm gonna pass up your papers from your last exam.' Said the professor. The papers were handed up and Niall lifted his head long enough to collect the paper. He heard Kelsey sigh right next to him.
'What's the matter?' Kelsey looked up from her paper.
'Well, I've just been flunking this course and we're not even half-way through the second semester.'
'I can help you if you want. I'm really good at philosophy.' He handed her the exam in which he received a one hundred percent on.
'Wow. Okay. I'll take you up on that. Um, do you have a phone?' Niall nodded and held up his iPhone.
'Perfect! Give me your number and I'll text you on when's a convenient time to have our study dates.' Niall's heart fluttered at the way she said study breaks. She passed him her phone and he added her number.
'I have to work along my cheerleading schedule and the committee schedule but I think my Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons are my only clear hours. I'll just call you tonight to make sure.' As soon as she finished talking, the class was dismissed and Kelsey waved goodbye to Niall who just sat there a little stunned.
'Holy shit! You and the hot cheerleader hit it off!' Harry screamed in Niall's ear. Niall jumped and punched Harry in the arm, who in turn whimpered in pain.
'Let's go.' Niall said as all his friends followed him out the professor's class.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ya. I'm writing this for my best friend Kelsey again! :) Yeah okay. Requests are open guys. Let's do this. It's short but deal with it.
Comment, subscribe, good vibes
- J

Andrew Wright
Kelsey's Outfit