Status: Updated when commented on.


St. Hellica is a private high school plagued by rumors. They say that students disappear without a trace within its walls. They say a killer crawls through the night inside the school, making a home, imperceptible to authorities. They also say that the problematic students kept under surveillance constantly are the abominations behind the disappearances. No one knows the truth--no one outside or inside the school's territory...except maybe one.

Luca had never run into any of the problematic students, thus never believing they could have been behind the disappearances. But it all changes after the day he came upon one of the most problematic students within the school---chained and heavily guarded--or rather... prisoner. Through unfortunate events, one after the other, he's dragged down to the world right under the school, where he discovers that every "problematic student" has been living and forced to fight each other to the death every day: an underground prison.

Luca might be able to survive his constant fight with insanity, not being a prisoner himself, but the strength of his will is tested as he develops a burning emotion and affection for the dangerous, most monstrous prisoner of all. Can he escape being tangled in St. Hellica's prison's chains? Or will he overcome his helplessness to save the loved and tainted sinner with cold bottomless eyes?