‹ Prequel: John Doe 1
Sequel: Necropolis
Status: Rekindled - Expect recurring Updates.

Xenia 2

Xenia 2

I woke up, the day after the event, the big contest; 'Mandarin of the Year'. The first class of the day was magic. It's a rather new class, but I love it. Today I found a new kind of bracelet, the wizard. Oon it's back one can read the following; 'Don't try a Wizards patience, for he is subtle and quick to anger.'

Most of us in this class was 7 years, but there was a few older once.

As we were working with a particular spell of control, an older guy made a mistake. Most likely due to the nagging from a nagging, rather fat girl.

The teacher was explaining something, and she kept nagging on, on Ismail and he snapped; “Zip It!”

At first Denice got all strange and quiet. Then it happened, Denice panniced, as she felt her lips turn into a sipper. She was screaming at the top of her lungs. Then her scream faded away, when her lips zipped, and was sealed shut. At this moment Denice froze, dead still.

Denice looked kinda funny, like a fish, trying to breath on dry land. Her lips moved, but no sound came, and she got no air in. She fell to the floor, unconscious, but then she breathed with her nose.

After the class, Denice was carried to a resting room. The door was locked, so noone else could come in. The room was monitored, so Denice was in no danger from that. She would not need the food she was known to consume during the lunch. But she'd need some nutrients though. If this spell could not be reversed soon, she'd need drip.

Ismail was called to the principles office the very next class. It took him quite a wile to explain the event for the principle. But when he was done, the principle called in the teacher. Then he had to explain it all again, and the teacher had ofcause noticed.

Denice was a nag, and had been bugging some classmates for some time. All the 3 of them took an early lunch, and headed for the room Denice was in. The spell was reversed, just after the lunch break. But ofcause, she was still out.

The principle told a nurse to wake Denice up in time to get home, and to pass a note to her, then they left for their respective duties.

At the appointed time, Denice woke up, with the help of the nurse. She red the note, and confused, brought it home, for her parents to read. This was to be an important lesson, for the patience trying Denice.

The next day I got to school, was just like any other, we discussed the day before, then I spotted her, Denice, from yesterdays first morning class. She was uncommonly silent today, but as big as before. I could only guess a day of not eating, would not change her appearance? Well, it had changed, she was not the annoying nag of yesterdays. It was overly obvious in her stance.

Despite her scare, maybe this could positively have done her some good? Then I found my friend, Celeste, and it rang in, a new class.
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