Status: New story - Will be very active

I'll Fight For You


After like 10 minutes of Liam begging me to change his name, he finally gave up. I wasn’t budging. He sat down and started pouting. I sat next to him, and pulled his chin to mine.

“No pouting, pookie.” I giggled and kissed his nose.

I saw him start to smile and he tried to play it off.

“Hey, I saw that!” I laughed and stood up and went to pick out a bowling bowl for myself. I picked up a neon green one that said 10 lbs. I picked it up and it was the perfect weight. I watched as Melanie threw the ball down the alley and laughed as it fell into the gutter. Once it was my turn, I gracefully threw the ball and watched as it hit every pin. I jumped in the air and screamed. “Yeah buddy! Fucking strike!”


After we finished bowling, we decided to head back to Louis’ and order pizza, because if we went to the pizza parlor now, we’d all get mobbed. I wasn’t interested in getting mobbed by teenage girls that wanted to kill me because I was dating their “future husbands.” Paul escorted us to the car and once I got in, I became tired instantly. I laid on Liam’s shoulder until we got back to Louis’.

Zayn decided he’d order the pizzas. We ordered 3 large pizzas. One cheese, one sausage and one pepperoni.

We all waited patiently when we heard a knock on the door. Niall ran up to the door and handed the guy the money. He snatched the pizza from the delivery guy and closed the door.

I gasped. “Niall, you were so rude!”

Niall chuckled nervously. “I know, I get so mean when I’m hungry.”


After we completely devoured all 3 pizzas, we were just lounging around. Niall suggested that we watch a scary movie. Everyone agreed with his genius idea but me. I liked scary movies, like I really loved them. They just scared me. I know, so ironic. Zayn had suggested that we watched Insidious and I cringed at the thought. I had seen that movie like over 5 times, but it still creeped me out every time I watched it.

Liam could tell I was nervous. He leaned close and whispered softly, “You okay babe? If you don’t wanna watch it, we could do something else.”

I shook my head. “No, I’ve seen this movie before. It just creeps me out every time I watch it.”

Liam sighed. “I know how that is. I’ve seen spoons a million times, but they just creep me out every time I see one.”

I giggled and snuggled up close to Liam, pulling a blanket over us. Zayn put in the movie and I immediately got nervous.


Once the movie ended, I was just sitting there cuddled up next to Liam, obviously close to falling asleep. He picked me up and brought me into one of Louis’ spare bedrooms. He laid me down on the bed and pulled the covers over my head. He was about to leave the room, when I cleared my throat and spoke up. “Li, can you stay the night with me?”

Liam shut off the light and crawled into bed next to me. “Of course I can, babe.”

I giggled and kissed his nose. “Thanks, pookie bear.”

He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, and we fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm kind of stuck on what I want to happen next with this story. If anyone has any ideas, I'd be more than happy to read them. Please comment. :3 I have 4 recs, 84 readers and 9 subbies. I love you guys! :)


