Status: New story - Will be very active

I'll Fight For You


Melanie just stared at Harry, so I waved my hand in front of her face.
"Earth to Melanie, Harry Styles said 'hello.' Say something back, silly!"

Melanie shook her head and let out a small giggle.
"H-hi. Sorry. I'm M-Mel..Melanie."

He outstretched his hand and Melanie shook it. After she shook his hand, he pulled her hand to his lips and kissed her hand.

"Well let's go back to Louis' flat so you can meet the rest of the boys."


Once we got back to Louis' flat, we all walked inside, and Niall came to greet Melanie first. Of course, his mouth was full of potato chips. He wiped his mouth off, and brushed off his hands. He outstretched his hand for Melanie to shake. "Nice to meet you, I'm Niall. As you probably know."

She laughed. "Indeed I do. Which is why I brought you this." She pulled out a giant bag of cookies from her backpack.
Niall's eyes widened and he glanced over at me. "She's great." He looked back at Melanie. "I dub you as my new best friend."

Melanie laughed. "Sounds good."

Next to greet her was Zayn. He walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. "I'm Zayn. It's so nice to meet you."

Melanie just grinned.

"Ah mate, it seems like she's captivated by your beauty." Louis spoke up.
"Who isn't though?" I said with a laugh.

Lastly was Louis. He came up and also gave Melanie a hug. "Nice to meet ya, love."


After their introductions, we were all hanging out around the TV, just watching whatever was on. Harry, Melanie, Liam and I had made our own little fort on the ground. I cuddled up next to Liam and kissed his cheek.

He smiled and looked at me. "I love spending time with you, Brielle. I know I've told you before, but seriously, you make me so happy."

I blushed. "I feel the same way."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so this was kind of a filler chapter because I dunno what I want to happen next with this. I'm kind of stuck. :(

I have 2 other 1D fanfics going on right now. My Niall ff called Lucky. And my Harry ff called Complicated. If you could check them out, it'd mean so much! :)

I now have 4 recs, 50 readers and 8 subbies! Means so much to meeeeee! I love you guys!

Huge shout-out to 'iron and wine' for recommending this story. This chapter was dedicated to her! :)

Here, I leave you with these.
Woooof. ;)



