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Chapter Five

Ivy woke up the next morning, her face pressed against her notebook and her pencil sitting under her hand. When she realised she had fallen asleep where she had sat down, she jolted up right. It took a her a moment to realise her suroundings and where she was. The sink had dishes washing themselves, there was a rocking chair that sat next to a basket of yarn. A sweater was being made, Ivy looked around and then pushed back from the table. "That isn't possible..." Ivy thought as she made her way to the knitting needles, looking at them. They were older and made of wood. Somehow, they knew she was staring at them. Ivy hadn't noticed how close she had gotten until one of them straightened out and tapped her in the head. Ivy gasped falling down to the ground. She gawked at it as it went back to knitting. The yarn was a bright red color.

"These are really good..." Ivy jumped at the sound of the girl, Ginny. Ivy turned around, they both had red hair. Only Ginny's was a normal red, where as hers was a bright crimson. " that your whole name?" She asked, looking down at the small signeture at the bottem of each picture.

"oh, um...yeah." Ivy said, reaching for the book. Ginny took a step backwards as she paged through them. "I-I don't usually let other people look at my sketches."

"Well you don't mind, do you?" Ginny asked, raising her eyebrows. "Ivy, these are really good..." She sighed, closing the book.

"I guess I don't..." Ivy shrugged, taking the book. Ginny swiftly walked to the cupboard and opened it and took out two brooms in each hand.

"Matt and Ron really hit it off last night, Ron is going to teach Matt how to fly today. I would be more then happy to teach you too." Ginny smiled, "We need atleast four people to play a game of quidditch anyway."

"A game of what?" Ivy raised her eyebrows, her eyes wide in shock. "And I prefer my feet firmly on the ground, thank you very much." She paused, "Mathew isn't..." Ivy remembered their conversation, Matt had told her he hated her. "Where is Matt?"

"Outside, Ron is explaining Quidditch to him." Ginny said, "Come on, it is a nice day out. Before I start flying, I have to denomb the garden. It would be nice if you would help." She explained, as if it all sounded normal to Ivy.

Ivy hesitated before setting her book down on the table. "Ginny," She started, but Ginny was already out of the doo. "Ginny!" She called after her, as she started out the door.

"Ginny, you do realise I have no idea what any of this is, right?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

"When I was a kid, when ever I didn't get something- like a joke or story, I would just go with it. Kind of just let happen what ever happens." Ginny paused, as Ivy closed the garden gate behind her. Her eyes looked thoughtful, "I guess that would work in this case as well."

"What do you mean?" Ivy asked, crossing her arms.

Ginny giggled, "Just go with it Ivy, don't think of a explaination for everything, or a reason. When you were a kid did you believe in silly little fairytales?"

"That is different." Ivy stated, cooly. Bending down to look at a rose bush that grew a different asortment of colored roses. Each one giving off a different sent.

"Not really." Ginny shook her head, "Just believe everything. Everything will work out...that is what your dad always told us Weasleys."

Ivy mummbled, "My dad- wait, you knew my dad?"

"Not as well as my older brothers, Charlie, Bill, and Percy. Or my mum and dad, but I sorta remember him." She sighed, "He always talked about you and Matt, but he always told us, Don't believe what is obvious, that will come naturally. Believe what is in the fine print, believe what shouldn't be there." She paused, smiling at that fact that she remembered word for word such a long quote that was meaningful as well. "It's gotten me this far in life, I guess it will help you believe you are a witch-"

"I never said I didn't believe it." Ivy stated, crossing her arms. "I just find it hard to believe."

Ginny smiled, but shrugged. "Alright, are you ready to just go with it?"

Ivy cursed under her breath. "Yeah, sure."

Ginny laughed, "Alright, well- what you want to do to denomb the garden is make as much noise as you can. The nombs will come out, and you grab them and just throw them as far as you can over the fence." Ginny explained, "Like this..." She sighed when she realised that Ivy was still confused.

Ginny began clapping repeatedly, occasionally shouting. After a moment, a nomb climed out of a hole that was under the rose bushes. Ivy could honestly say, that it was the ugliest thing she had ever seen. It's head looked almost like a potato, the face was fat and round. It's eyes were like little black holes in the dark grey skin. It had short arms and legs, the stomach was the largest thing other then the head about it. Ginny, as if it was nothing, grabbed the top of it's head and spun around and let go of the nomb throwing it over the fence.

"And I have to do that?" Ivy asked, looking at Ginny. Ginny nodded, smirking. As she began clapping. A nomb climbed out, and Ginny gestured Ivy to take that one as she began to get another one out. Ivy easily got her hands on it, and picked it up. The thing wasn't really the brightest, if anything it was the stupidest thing ever. "That wasn't to hard..." Ivy sighed, resting her hands on her hips. Ginny smiled, "I'm just going with it..." Ivy sighed again, as something bit her hand. "Och!" She said, pulling her hand away from it. She looked down to see a nomb, clearly angry that she and Ginny threw his friends out.

"Go on! Pick him up. Show'em who's boss." Ginny erged, Ivy glared at her. The thing had just bitten her, not hard enough to make her bleed...but it still hurt. Ginny saw that Ivy wasn't going to try, so she threw it out for Ivy. "I must admit, when I met you last night I thought you were going to take a lot of convinceing to help me."

"I'm just going with it, like you said to do. Does it mean I believe it? No." Ivy stated, as the two of them walked out of the garden. Ivy rubbed her hand, she looked down the hill that the strange, unreal house sat on. At the bottem, sat Matt and Ron. With a broom in a hand, and a box infront of them. Just then, something flew by her. A strange humming sound, almost like a humming bird. She looked around for it, and then she saw it. Right in front of her face, it was just sitting there. It was small and round, and it had to wings that branched off of it and moved so fast it was like a small gold humming bird. She put her hand up and catch in, but it flew back down the hill.

Ivy watched after it, but it soon returned and stayed until she reached for it and then it quickly made it's way back down the hill. Ivy walked down the hill, looking for it. It kept coming back to her, and then getting closer to Matt and Ron. She just wanted to catch it, or atleast know what it was. She mentally slapped herself for letting one of the first thoughts about it being how much she would like to draw it.

"What is that?" She asked, looking at Ron and then back at the strang golden ball. "That ball."

"The snitch, the main object in the game of quidditch." Ron replied, "Hurry up, Ginny!" He called back up the hill. "So what postition do you want to play as? Chaser, or keeper?"

"Chaser." Matt replied, "Are you going to play, Ivy?" He asked, clearly trying to move on from their arguement from the night before.

"Ivy likes her feet firmly on the ground, isn't that right Ivy?" Ginny stated, her voice mocking Ivy a little. "Or are you willing to just go with it?"

Ivy stared at the broom that Ginny was handing out to her. One of two things could happen, one being she said no and sat all alone inside for the rest of the day. Or two, she could just try it. The worst thing that could happen is that she would get hurt.

"Girls against boys?" Ron asked, a grin on his face when Ivy took the brook from Ginny.
Ginny smirked, "Oh kay, one hour to teach them how to fly." She smiled. Ron sighed, and nodded, he and Ron went one way and Ginny and Ivy went the other. "Keep a open mind, alright?"

Ivy sighed, "I sorta have to..." Ivy paused, "Besides, I am stuck here anyways."

"Alright, set down the broom-" Ginny set hers down, so did Ivy. "Step to the right side of it..." She did so and held her hand open above it, then Ivy did as well. "Now, say up." When Ginny did, the broom floated easily up in to her hand. Ivy stared at her for a second, then down at the broom. She was crazy if she was actually going to do this.

"Up," Ivy stated, the broom bounced a little on the ground but stayed on the ground.

"Like you mean it." Ginny sighed, Ivy looked at her before back down at the broom.

"Up." She stated, almost like she was talking to a dog, but still, just a bounce. "Up!" Shestated again, louder this time. This time, the broom floated up in to her hand.

"That's great, Ivy!" Ginny beamed, proud that she had not only taught Ivy how to catch a nomb, but was now helping Ivy learn how to fly. "Now, mount it and lightly jump up in to the air."

"No." Ivy frowned, staring at Ginny. "That's crazy, and I will look like a complete loon."
Ginny frowned, "I'll do it with you, come on. Once you get up in the air, you will just love it! I felt mad learning how to fly too." Ginny wait for Ivy to step over it. Ivy closed her eyes and stepped over it, and lightly jumped. She was ready to feel like a idiot. What she wasn't expecting was actually staying in the air. Ivy's eyes snapped open as she stared down at the ground, her feet floating a few inches above the ground.

"I-I-I'm actually flying..." Ivy stammered, Ginny was grinning as she went higher in the air.

"Pull up and you will go higher, and then lean which ever way to turn." Ginny explained,

"To go faster, lean as close as you can to your broom." She said, looking down at her.
Ivy sighed, pulling back. Sure enough she went higher, and then she pulled to the right, and moving towards Ginny. Her mouth formed a grin as she looked up at Ginny. Ivy, for the first time since she had been at that strange house, with the strange people...she smiled. She almost began to laugh.

"I can't believe it!" She grinned, "I-I'm flying!"

"Just in time too." Ginny stated, Ivy looked towards Ron and Matt. The two of them already higher up, and waiting. Ivy felt her stomach get butterflies, she wanted to prove she could do what Matt could.

"Ginny, what are the positions of Quidditch?"

"Chaser, they go after the quaffle. Keeper, the gard the goals. Beater, they have a bat and they go after the buldger. Then there is the seeker, they go after the snitch." She explained, "The game itself is very self explanitory." She paused, "Since there is only four of us, two of us will be going for the quaffle to score, and the keepers will do that and try to keep them away from eachothers goal, and the chasers will go for the snitch. Once the snitch is caught, the game is over."

Ivy nodded, Matt said he was chaser. "Ginny, would you mind if I am Chaser?"

"Are you ready for it? Going for the snitch means speed, sharp turns-"

"And getting the chance to beat our brothers arse's..." Ivy finished, "But to awnser your question, no I don't think I am ready. But I still want to try."

Ginny thought for a moment, but then nodded. Ginny and Ivy made their way to the boys, but Ivy thought about what Ginny had said. Don't believe what is obvious, that will come naturally. Believe what is in the fine print, believe what shouldn't be there, Ivy found it hardto even think about. Believing what shouldn't be there should have been impossible. It should not have made sense.
♠ ♠ ♠
I haven't gotten around to checking spelling/grammar yet, my laptop is about to die. So please bare with me while I charge my laptop.

Thank you for reading!

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