Trying Heal A Broken Heart

On Our Feet

Beau and I walked through our city's dinky one floor, ten or so store filled, building called the mall. Beau's steel toed, asphalt covered boots clicked across the white tile floor. His hands were shoved into his jean pockets and his short-sleeved black dress shirt was left unbuttoned showing off the white beater under it.

"Come into Bath and Body works with me, Niwa. I need to find Abi's birthday present," I said wandering off into the store. He clicked in behind me making a disgusted face every so often, when an area smelled too strong of one thing.

"God Damn, this place gives me a headache," He complained, irritated.

"Well, I don't think that there's anything I would get Abi From here anyway..." I paused, "Maybe we could walk to Sally's after we leave,"

"That hair place?" He groaned.

"Yes, she mentioned being almost out of a few things and maybe I could pick them up for her,"

"Yeah, sure you can Sam, with out me. You know I don't do hair shit. You wore me out on that,"

"You're just a bum," I smiled, knowing he would come with me. I looked up at him. "Hey Niwa," I said quietly watching his face, and swearing he was a different person when he looked down at me. The first one being hurt, but there was anger overtaking him little by little. The second one gentle and tender. His eyes were blood shot. My way of always knowing he was so mad he was about to cry, another way we were alike. I noticed the tension in his arms and knew he was about to ask if we could leave.

"It could be one of these fucking bastards walking around in here, laughing at my fucking pain," He growled through clenched teeth. He was the first guy again all of a sudden, it shocked me how quickly he changed. The veins in his arms seemed thicker and his fists were balled up so tight I swore blood was going to pour out from where his nails were digging into his skin. He wasn't go to be able to handle being in public. He would freak out on any guy who even looked at him. "We need to leave Sam. We need to leave now " I nodded and followed him out of the building worrying as he blew through the doors of the mall, my head telling me "He's going to walk up to one of those concrete pillars and punch it, stop him, Sam! stop him!"

"Beau!" I said as he got closer to the pillar. I watched him swing with the same hand he hit the mirror with and felt what seemed to be like my heart shriveling up in my chest.

"You stupid fucking bitch!!" He yelled. I watched the tears rip down his cheeks, red and splotchy, "I never did anything to you," He said, "I gave you everything I could, I treated you with every bit of respect," I hugged him and watched his, now most likely shattered hand, drip blood onto the dry walkway. "My hand hurts Sam... I fucking broke my hand again... " He trailed "I'm sorry you had to see that..." I pulled my phone out and called my mom.

"Yes honey, what can I do for you?"

"Niwa punched a pillar at the mall,"


"Gabby is a bitch, I'll explain later,"

"Blood? Broken bones?"

"There's blood, and he's pretty sure he shattered his hand, again."

"I'm on my way," She hung up with a sigh and a jangle of her keys.

"Mom's coming.."