‹ Prequel: Xenia 2
Sequel: Celeste 2
Status: Rekindled - Expect recurring Updates.



This is the City of the once dead. The place was like no other. There was nothing like it in the scrolls or history. Actually, it had appeared, in the shift of times ..

This was 7 years ago, so this city was still young, and very much growing. Growing, Indeed. All citizens were human, well, actually, there were a few others. But of them, there were no human records. Not even the gods themselves had any records of them, as individuals, or of their kind. Even though they were still great and mighty.

This was a time of changes, and growth. Magnificent, great buildings is located in the centre, smaller once to the peripheries. The buildings were growing up, from the ground, not a place for the yet not dead, or mortals. There was a palace in the south, Emperor of the no-longer dead. Ruling with the Empress, at his side.

On topside, lives the light dwelling, the others down below. Ofcause the Emperors palace is up, and down. An Emperor is after all Emperor of the entire realm. This Emperor, is just that, Emperor .. with the Capital "E".

One would assume, he is not human. Furthermore, the gods has no record of him, or anyone in his court. The court is mostly manned by Humans on topside ..
down below, on the other hand, Demons are dwelling. Their numbers are soaring. For some reason, they are on the rise. As they dwell mostly down below, and human topside, there is no problems between them, no struggle. As it would most likely have been otherwise. This blessing is due to the most wise Emperor. His most elevated Emperor is held in the most high esteem here.

Whether he'd been elsewhere, who can say? There has been no records of him, or his kind. And, furthermore, there will never be. He's a creature of the once dead .. a true Necropolitan. Such there are few, and so it will remain.

There are streets of gold, avenues of silver. The streets are lined with great trees, high and mighty. though mightier then though, is their beauty. This is sustained with the riches of immortality. And the wisdom that only come after countless aeons.

Short-sited views is in no way any standings here. They're disregarded, and discarded, dumped as scraps . The Avenues are lined with the most beautiful of bushes. Bushes as well as trees are blossoming, in blues, reeds, white and purples. The flowers are swarmed by butterflies, and dragonflies.

At ground level, stores, pubs, and other important locals are located. In the stores, one can buy only the most grand and beautiful clothes and objects. In the Pubs you find nothing, but the very best to drink, and the entertainment is of the best quality. No-one would ever consider serving anything, but the very best .. Their honour can not take such, where one is not expecting to die sometimes soon, or even the next millennia?

On the central Square, there is a grand and beautiful sculpture .. It is a graceful Necro-Filly. What materials are used, one can not know, as a mortal. These materials are not known in the world of mortals. The lifelike grace is unsurpassed. The pose is immensely graceful, facing the southern palace of the Emperor.

On the eastern border, there is also a square. In its centre, there is a golden dragon, fiercely facing the path. In the west, there is also a square, with another dragon. They both have bloody red, aggressive eyes. To the north, there is a Snake on the square. Its a gigantic Cobra, 10 meters high. A tongue flickering, to detect unworthy entering its area. At the centre of every crossroad, there is a pond, with untold fishes. Not in records of the living.
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A new oplace, where you haven't been. A place never before heard of.