A Roller Coaster Built To Crash

Chapter One

A Rollercoaster Built To Crash
naturally bred enemies;;

Ever since I was a child, things had always been forbidden to me, I had always followed the rules and kept in my place. I was a peaceful person. Never did I put myself out to make someone else’s day shit, even if they drove my nerves to their highest tolerance level. I was always quiet and kept to myself. But the day I found him, all my behaved lifestyle ended. The moment my gaze met with his bright green eyes that seemed to scan across the pub anxiously, my life spiraled. His long stringy black hair seemed to fall almost gracefully in his pale face. There was no flush in his cheeks unlike all the other rosy cheeked costumers; even her cheeks were flushed from the claustrophobic heat that seeped through the pub. Maybe I should’ve guessed what he was at first glance; the deathly pastel skin, the dot-like pupils that never changed no matter what light shined in those pale leaf-green eyes. It wasn’t until our eyes met the first time from across the pub did I notice the astounding wisdom and knowledge that swam in his electric greens.

I think we both made the same mistake. I saw the way his eyes flickered from bored knowing to sudden unanticipated interest. I remember the small little smirk that carved across my indifferent features before raising my pipe back to my lips to suck in the addictive bittersweet tobacco. My black painted nails reflected his silhouette as I chipped off the color. I looked back up to meet eyes again, but this time it wasn’t from across the room. There was no cunning smile slicked across his boyishly bright lips, unlike me as I leered up at him with a wicked smile that could make the nastiest of witches snarl. I can’t say I wasn’t fascinated with this boy, but it just made me snicker to see how fast his interest seemed to grow and how obvious he made himself. Anyone would say I was quite a catch—but I was off limits to him.

I crossed my boot-clad legs and took another drag from my long-lengthed pipe as I waved him to take a seat, my eyes kept to my pipe as a flicked away ash that peeked out through the carb. I listened to him pull out the unoccupied seat across from me, the wood scraping against the dirty tiled floor sent my nerves to skid to the edge for a moment as he sat down. His eyes never looked away, I could feel him beaming into me but I refused to look up, my attention was dedicated to my leather laced pipe that I fiddled with between my fingers.

“This is an awful strange place for a werewolf to visit.” My head slowly tilted up, my iris’s stretching to the top of my lids to look up; our eyes met. His eyebrow was arched and his lips were finally tilted into an amused lopsided grin. This time I didn’t return the gesture; I simply raised my pipe to my lips and slowly inhaled the tobacco. I held in the smoke for a few moments, I could feel it tickling the back of my throat and my lungs seemed to be begging me to part my scarlet painted lips. Slowly, the smoke seeped through as my lips spread apart just the slightest. I watched as it spiraled in complicated swirls around the man’s face, it made me smirk to myself that he would be carrying around my nicotine stench after this.

“It’s awful strange when a vampire associates with a werewolf.” This seems to amuse him even more as he straightens up and folds his arms over his chest, that grin turning more smug by the second. Our curses seemed to surface at that moment, his pupils seemed to widen, black taking over the haunted green that seemed to glow so luminescent. I could feel my own eyes adjust and I could only picture my pupils turning littler while the green cannibal glow glazed over my hazel orbs, robbing them of their natural beauty. Instead of reacting as enemies like we had been brought up our entire cursed lives, we simply sat and stared each other down. His eye color seemed to swim around like a changing mood stone; delicate brown sometimes seemed to be the more dominant color, but when I brought my pipe back to my lips the color immanently rippled back to emerald. I couldn’t help but chuckle softly as I exhaled early smoke and broke the eye contact we had going.

His eyebrows arched even further up his forehead as he watched me airily chuckle while I shook my head slowly. “What’s so amusing?” he asked, his previous smirk that had already been slowly fading completely disappeared.

“It’s just funny,” I said and looked back up to study his features. “You vampires are so readable.” While I took notice of his pudgy face structure and pointed nose he seemed disgusted by my little remark.

“Oh? And what are you reading exactly?” he asked, his voice holding the tiniest of impatience. Of course he was trying to prove his race inferior, all vampires and werewolves did. Actually, we were showing off rather calmly. Come full moon time, there would be blood-shed while teeth ripped at one another to prove who the stronger race was. It never intrigued me; I’d rather not bicker over something so childish. I knew if it were a few weeks from now, I’d over power him.

“You’re attracted to me,” I answered nonchalantly with a small shrug. “And you’d like a drag.” I slid my pipe across the counter and folded my arms over my chest, mimicking him. He eyed my pipe for a few moments before picking it up delicately; I was at least glad he was handling it carefully. I watched as he placed it between his plump lips to inhale the nicotine before handing it back to me. I wasn’t flattered by the teasing smoke he blew my way. I took my pipe back and frowned as I looked at the bowl; he had taken the last drag. Leaning the pipe over the table, I tapped the piece softly against the wood to empty the useless ashes before sliding it into my pocket. When I looked up, I smirked when my eyes met his again; he’d been watching.

“And I thought I was supposed to be the predatory monster,” I commented sarcastically. If he wasn’t dead already, I’m sure his cheeks would have flushed pink. Time ticked by as I tapped my index finger patiently against the rough wood table, I didn’t bother to watch him any longer but I could sure feel his eyes on me. Instead, I studied my rings I had on almost each finger, watching the dark stones glitter for a quick second when I tilted my hand in the right direction towards the pub light.

“It’s Gerard, by the way.” I slowly dragged my attention from the rings back up to him as I nodded my head curiously. I’d only met one other Gerard the whole one-hundred and twenty-six years of living, and those had been the days when I traveled to Italy. My mind became distracted as I looked back at the fond memories I had in Italy but was quickly disturbed as Gerard tapped his knuckles on the wood irritably. I could feel my ruby red coated lips frown, I didn’t like introductions but I guess he expected one.

“Nice name,” I replied wearily as I leaned back more. I smirked as I was reminded of my mother; she would have scolded me for being so rude and ordered me to sit up straight—that I was being unlady-like. Gerard stared at my poor posture before sighing. I wondered how long he would stick around before retreating to his seat near at the bar.

“Sorry, I can’t say the same about yours,” Gerard said and copied my lazy posture. I couldn’t help but feel annoyed with this guy, obviously he wanted something, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted something either. If I really didn’t like him, I would’ve gotten up and left a while ago without a considerate wave.

“Cheserae.” I let it slip, I was bored of the little mind games we were throwing at one another, I was never one to beat around the bush long.

“Ches-er-a?” he pronounced slowly making sure he got it right. I chuckled and nodded, my name wasn’t exactly common—but neither was his.

“So what brings you here?” he asks. For a moment I just stare, hazel meeting emerald as we both hold each other’s gazes. He acted like nothing, like I wasn’t his race’s natural enemies. Gerard didn’t seem to be paranoid like he should be, if any vampire were to walk in it would turn into an instant battle—who knows what could happen to him, maybe even execution or severe punishment.

Maybe he is a loner, I thought. Not every vampire grouped up with their own society, lots traveled alone. Even then, he would’ve had the common sense to stay away or drag me out for being so close to vampire territory at this late of hour.

“Mangy mutts gotta have some place to drink,” I replied with dark humor that didn’t help the uncomfortable conversation. Gerard’s small smile that had slowly been building fell again, it seemed everything I said to him sent a shadow of disapproval across his pale features.

“I don’t see any drinks,” he pointed out. I rolled my eyes; this talk was leading no where- only towards trouble.

“I don’t like smoking while I drink,” I concluded for him, obviously covering up my stay. Honestly, the only reason I was at this god forsaken pub was to stay off the streets. I hadn’t meant to get myself so close to Jersey, it was obvious vampire territory…but I planned to leave hours before it got dark. I had overstayed my visit. Lately I had been breaking the rules, dangerously being disobedient and was just asking to be caught. Luckily, I hadn’t been spotted by any of my kind or anyone I recognized.

Gerard seemed to know I was bluffing. I wouldn’t have minded him taking an easy guess, it was only so obvious, but the minute I felt my temples tighten and my thoughts begin to slip in unorganized tangles my eyes narrowed. The sudden fury that quickly built up increased to the point where it helped me; I pushed back on the annoying little migraine that had been sliding through my head annoyingly. I hadn’t realized just how hard I had pushed back until Gerard jolted back in his seat.

This certainly was a big reason why I had come to despise vampires, without the influence of the many tall tales and exaggerated stories. They were powerful when it came to their mental ability, much stronger then a werewolf. Their ego was bigger then it should be and they thought they could invade anyone’s mind as they pleased. If I weren’t afraid to step out and face the unfamiliar town I would have gotten up and walked out, I didn’t have the tolerance for this.

I began to get up but the look on Gerard’s face somehow froze me. His eyelids were stretched wide but his entrancing green orbs were now completely shadowed to resemble beady black marbles. The look on his face was of surprise but his jaw was clench angrily, I wouldn’t be surprised if he were to sink those razor sharp fangs into me at this moment. I could feel my own fangs beginning to stretch from under my gums, ordinarily it was have sent waves of pain throughout my mouth and make my gums ache, but being that it was so close to full moon my body was just aching for its change. Unlike Gerard’s skinny fangs that could be hidden behind a close mouth, my canines didn’t allow my jaws to clamp closed. I knew Gerard could see my thick fangs peek out from under my lips, his pit-like eyes beginning to study my changing features. I was ready to fight, but of course I knew I couldn’t do much, it wasn’t the same as being glorified under the moonlight with muscles rippling under my skin. I knew Gerard had more then enough strength to crush me in this state, I was so close to being mortal it sickened me.

Before my mind ran off with me and made the situation bigger then it was, Gerard’s eyes turned back to their natural fluorescent green and his jaw began to relax. He was studying me, my haunting features probably sticking out much too unnaturally.

“We don’t have to be enemies, y’know.” Maybe it was more then a hundred years of laws being pounded into my head, the many warnings all werewolves were threatened with that caused Gerard’s words to sound obscene for a few moments. How could we not be enemies? Ever since the beginning of our ancestor’s time’s our two races had been enemies, to snarl and hiss as the other passed by, to lock viciously sharp fangs in battle. I had only ever met one other vampire like Gerard before.

“And why is that?” I asked suspiciously.

I could never find out why we always gazed into each other’s eyes, maybe it comforted us, maybe it brought us closer in some way. But then, at that moment, it brought the first wave of hope into my life. His eyes told me so much more without words.

He never answered my question.