A Roller Coaster Built To Crash

Chapter Three

A Rollercoaster Built To Crash
a vicious routine;;

Teeth scraped against each other in bone-chipping friction. Muscles clenched and contracted, ready to burst at any moment. I could hear my blood gushing through me in waves, my face turning red probably as my crimson fluids lapped inside; I could practically hear it churning. Every hair on my body pricked up and tingled, down from the longest locks on my head to the stubs on my unshaved legs that had been unattended to for a few days. I could feel every pore on my flesh open and close while my fangs sprouted several inched longer then anything natural, the delicate skin of my bottom lip stung as air hit the open cuts my fangs had ripped open. My ears vibrated as my pulse roared throughout my body.

Clothing ripped while knuckles cracked; my knees had long ago been ripped open from buckling and hitting the rock-littered ground. My throat clenched as I tried not to whimper, but it was only expected when I felt the splintering pain of my spine curving. Everything was black, only splattered with sickening copper as I had my eyelids clamped shut as well. I only squinted my eyes open for a moment, my vision blurred with built up tears that were still early and not ready to fall just yet. The black that had decorated my short nails seemed to crack off as my fingers bulged and twisted into bulk paws, my nails had become claws that were now dug into the soil and ripping at weeds. I felt my bare feet do the same as the bones in my feet, calves, and thighs morph painfully and my skin stretched with them. Then, the slow process of my hair began. I watched as the small little hairs you normally wouldn’t take notice to begin to sprout and thicken and I finally cried out as my jaw bone began to lengthen with my nose and my lips slowly thinned. I felt like heaving as my muscles clenched to fit with my changed body. My new claws dug further into the earth as my tail-bone spread out and instantly grew it’s own long bushy set of hair.

Just like every month, I found myself hunched over in the full moon’s glow, my bronze coat of fur basking in the night’s natural light giving my color a milky sun-bleached shimmer. If anyone were to stumble across me, they’d think I was a wolf—a very big wolf. I just prayed no one would cross my path.

Because the next minute, I had no recollection of the rest of the night. My body wasn’t the only thing to change. Slowly, my inner animal’s conscious slipped from it’s barricade and let loose on the young night. It was it’s time to run free from it’s cage inside of me while I was the one buried away.

It was another night of chaos and wild carnage that I would have no memory of—only in my dreams where I would forever be haunted by my sins that I didn’t commit.


My body shivered against the small draft of wind the fluttered over me. Instinctively, my arms wrapped around my legs as I curled up into the smallest ball, anything to just get some bit of warmth. My bare body was much too weak to lift itself. It was too soon. I could feel my sore and overused muscles aching back into their original places inside of me, leaving me almost immobile. I could feel my legs twitch every now and then from being worn out to the extreme; I was no muscular woman and every month the transformation took it’s toll on my body hard. My eyes stung with tears, I wasn’t sure if they were from the cold wind blasting my face or the bitter pain that swept through my whole body. It didn’t make things easier knowing I would have to pick myself up soon to escape unwanted attention.

A soft sob left my lips as I stared at my sprawl out arms, my sore fingers twitching as they carved circles into the dirt. There was no missing the dried crimson that was splattered across my pale hands serving as my newest nail polish. I could feel my stomach churning miserably as I could tasted the sickly sweet liquid still trickling down my throat, even as I ran my tongue along my lips I could still taste the dried blood from my latest victim. Routine guilt began it’s course as I wondered who’s life I had ended—or started. Who knows if that person was dead or left with just my cursed bites. I for one hoped this person was dead. Better dead then living a lifetime of blood and gore, there was nowhere left in a werewolf’s life for beauty.

There was not much I could do but lay on the ground and try to pull myself together. It was disgusting to feel how dirty and mud-streaked my hair was and my feet cracked and dusty. My lips were dried and stained red from blood from who-knows-what and my face sensitive against the cold wind. I brought my legs up to my chest to cover any exposure of my breasts; it just made me more comfortable. Even after many years and months of this routine, it was never easy the morning after. I might even be mistaken for a rape victim, the blood and my naked body covered the basics. There was so many emotions built up inside me I didn’t know which one I should show. I wanted to scream and pound the floor like a four year old. ‘Why me’s ’ were on the tip of my tongue but and continued to keep my mouth clamped and take deep steady breaths. Tears were ready to fall and sobs bound to rake through my body, but I refused. It would only hurt me more.

So many things ran through my head at that moment. Screams and snarls were like rebounds in my head, just bouncing off my skull and screeching in my ears.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m s-so sorry.”

My cracked apologies were what drained me as all the built up tears in my eyes left their trails down my cheeks. I was still whimpering repeatedly while I felt my body being lifted off the scratchy dust, the only sign of acknowledgement being a choked groan as my body hung. Soft coos were being whispered in my ear and urging me to be quiet. My last consciousness was spent and I remembered no more.