Bumps Along the Way


"Here." Joe holds out his arms. I look at him questioningly.

"So I can you carry across the thresh hold silly." He gives me a toothy smile as I blush.

I jump into his arms, and he starts walking through the hotel room door. He carries me to the bed and lays me down on the firm mattress. He lays beside me, and turns on his side, his head is on his elbow and his gray eyes, looking into my blue ones.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask killing the silence. He runs his hand down the side of my face, down my neck, over my breast, and rests it on my stomach.

"I'm thinking, 'I'm actually married to the most beautiful woman in the world.'" I feel a blush on my cheeks, and look away from his gray orbs.

"Don't go all mushy on me now." I say with a smile. I hear his laugh.

I actually can't believe it either. Not the most beautiful woman in the world thing, but that we were actually married. I had married my best friend since grade school. Sure we had had some bumps along the way, but we actually got married, and here we were on our honeymoon night.

I felt my cheeks go warm at just the thought of our honeymoon.

Joe rolls on top of me, pushing on his hands, so that he is hovering over me. He looks down into my eyes, in one quick motion he has pecked my lips then brought his head back up again. He's looking at me again with a small smirk.

A memory flashes to my mind again, and I can't help it when a big toothy grin comes to my face.

"What is it Taylor?" I giggle, and lock eyes with Joe.

"Do you remember the first time." He looks questioningly at me. Then something clicks in his brain, and he has a big smile on his face as well.

I push on his chest and crawl to the head of the bed. Joe is by my side in minutes. I rest my head on his chest as my mind goes back to the first time we ever made love.

"Of course I remember. How could I forget?" We both laugh.

"Remember it was on a Sunday?"

"Yeah! You were afraid that if we did it on Sunday then God would strike you down before we could even get our close off." I laugh, my mind picturing that day.


"Taylor are you sure you wanna do this?" Joe asks. I nod my head. I was sure.

"Yes, I'm sure, I want this Joe, I want it with you." He kisses the top of my head, and slings his arm around my shoulder.

"Ca-can we get a mo-motel room?" I stutter out. I was so nervous and we hadn't even done anything yet.

"If that's what you want." I nod my head.

"First we need to stop here." I look at building in front of me. It was the drugstore.

Joe pulls me along, and I'm shaking my head no along the way. I don't want to be in there while Joe buys a condom!

Joe looks back at me and just laughs at me. I pull the hood up on my jacket and keep my head down. Joe looks at all the condoms, seeing which one would be best.

"Do you want one that gives you more pleasure, or one with lube already on it?" He asks with a sly smile.

"Joe!" I yell out. He just laughs and grabs a box from the shelf. He heads for the check out. I look at the check out desk and see an elder lady there waiting for the next customer.

My eyes widen. I could only imagine what this lady had to say to us.

Joe lays the condoms on the counter. The lady looks down to them, then her brown eyes make their way up to our faces. She does not look happy about this at all. She takes her sweet time ringing up the item as she lectures us.

"You young children these days. You should wait until your married. Not only that but your sinning on a Sunday as well. The Lord will strike you down before you get your damned pants down." She turned to me then.

"Girl, you should be ashamed of yourself doing this on a Sunday, your not being forced to do this are you?" I was afraid to answer. If I said no, I was afraid she would start yelling at me and spray me with Holy Water.

Thankfully Joe cut in then. He grabbed the condoms, and my hand, and dragged me out of the drugstore. The last words I heard from the lady were, "Have a nice day."

"People need to learn to mind their own business, that was just ridiculous. You still sure about this Taylor." I give a small nod of the head.

"Okay then, let's go."

We made our may to the nicest motel we could think of. Motel 9. Joe gets us a room. I wait in the lobby, looking at the pamphlets. There are so many. There are ones about New York, Oceans of Fun, How To Rock Climb, Safe Sex, Perfect Party Plan-, my eyes shoot back to the safe sex pamphlet.

They actually have these things? I grab the pamphlet and flip it open. I feel someone grab my arm, and turn to see Joe. He smiles at me and nods his head to the stairs. I nod and smile.

I follow him to the stairs. We silently make our way up the stairs. We stop at the third floor. Joe opens the door and holds it open. I walk through and wait for him. Once through Joe grabs my hand and we walk the rest of the way to the room.

Joe unlocks the door with the key that the guy at the desk gave him and we enter the room. The room is small with two full beds, a lamp desk in between them. There's also a bathroom with a shower and sink.

I walk over to the window and draw back the curtains. The sun is starting to set, and street lights are starting to come on. Closing the curtains I look back to the room.

Joe has shut the door, and already taken off his shoes and socks, he was in the process of taking off his jacket.

I slip my shoes and socks off as well as my jacket. We stand there and just look at each other neither of us say anything.

"I-I need to use the b-bathroom." I stutter out, as I clumsily make my way there.

As I shut the bathroom door, I can hear the small chuckle escape from Joe.

I turn to the mirror and look at myself. My face is flushed, and my blue eyes are bright. I run my hand through my hair, I notice now that my hands are shaking. I am so nervous.

What was I thinking? Was I really ready to have sex with Joe? I can't even remember why I said I wanted this. I was starting to freak myself out. So I took a deep breath, and calmed myself down.

Yes, I wanted to do this. I loved Joe, and I was sure that I was ready. I wanted Joe to be my first. That's why I wanted this. I was ready, I was in love, and Joe had done it before, so at least he wouldn't be clumsy with anything like I'm bound to be.

Taking another deep breath I make my way out of the bathroom. Joe is there sitting on the bed, in his hands are the safe sex pamphlet that I had forgotten about.

"I'm just gonna use the restroom real quick, okay Taylor." I nod my head. He goes to the bathroom and shuts the door, but I see him throw the pamphlet in the trash before the door is fully closed.

Thinking to myself I wonder how can I make this more romantic or something along those lines. There really wasn't anything in this motel that could be considered romantic.

So I turn off the main light and turn on two side lamps, but I dimmed them as well. There's a radio, and I search the stations, looking for songs that might put people in the mood. I finally just settled on a station playing melodies. I turn the volume to a low, then turn back to the bed.

I make my way to the bed closest to the bathroom. I decide to strip thinking that it will be sexy if he comes out to find me waiting for him in my bra and panties.

I slip my shirt off, to reveal my black lacy bra. I was so happy that I had decided to wear my "sexy unmentionables", as I put it. I slip out of my jeans, so that I was only left in my black lacy bra and black lace boy shorts.

I go over to the bed and lay on my stomach. My long legs kick up behind me, with my head in my hand. I flip my hair out of my face and wait for Joe to make his way out of the bathroom.

When I hear the click of the bathroom door I get s sudden boost of confidence. With the confidence I now have I put on the sexiest smirk I can muster up.

Joe walks out of the bathroom and when he sees me he stops in his place. I watch as he gets a glint in his eyes, as a smirk comes upon his lips, as he stuffs his hands into his ripped jeans pockets, and as the bulge in his pants grew.

I blush at the fact that, that bulge is because of me, I also blush because while my eyes had been tracing up and down his body I had noticed that he had taken his shirt off, and that I could now admire his beautiful upper body.

Joe's always tan skin, tones out his nice abdominal muscles, his hairless chest goes back in forth as he breathes in and out. It is a wonderful sight.

Joe walks to the side of the bed that I am now occupying. I flip myself so that now I am on my back and looking up to him.

We lock eyes, I smile softly and sit up. I sit with my legs hanging off the bed. Noah comes in between my legs. My eyes are now parallel to his waist line. My blue orbs travel up his body. From his belly button to his nice six pack, from there my eyes travel to his chest then to his face.

I take in every feature of his face, storing them to memory. Finally my eyes lock with his again. He smiles and leans down. He kisses me softly while his hands push me back on the bed.

I lay there on the bed my legs still hanging over the side, Joe is hovering over me, his hands holding him up for support. He looks down into my eyes, and in one quick motion he has pecked my lips then brought his head back up again. He's looking at me again with a small smirk.


"Joe what are you doing?" I ask as Joe's lips travel down my neck.

"Hun, you got me in the mood from remembering you in that fucking sexy pose I saw you in, when I came out of the bathroom." I blush at his words.

"I want a shower." I announce. I give Joe a peck on the cheek, before I head to the bathroom. I look back to Joe to see he has a big pout on his face.

"Love you baby!" I sing out as I shut the door, I still hear Joe's mutter of "yeah right" before the door is fully closed.

I smirk to myself as I turn on the water. I undress myself and step into the shower. As the warm water runs down my body, my mind wonders off again to our first time together.


I lay my head on one the soft pillows that the motel supplies. Joe's lips connect with mine. He has one of his hands caressing the side of my face as his other travels down my body.

I find my own hands traveling down his chest, to his stomach and stopping at his jeans. Our lips never part as I start to unbutton his jeans and pull his zipper down. I start pushing his jeans down his thighs. I only make it to mid thigh before my arms come up short.

Joe parts lips then, and shimmies the rest of the way out of his jeans. Then his lips are on mine again, his hands now are on my back. His fingers unclipping my bra. He grabs it from the front and pulls it off, throwing the material to the floor.

Suddenly selfconcious I wrap my arms around Joe and pull him to me, so that my breasts are squished to his chest, so that he can't see anything but my face.

Joe smiles softly storing a loose strand of hair behind my ear. He pecks my lips and look s back to my eyes.

"Taylor it's okay. I love you for who you are, not how you look without clothes, which I'm sure is very nice." He gives me a goofy smile, and I can't help but giggle, which makes my grasp around him loosen.

He takes that as his opportunity and sits up. He's sitting on my legs holding my lower body down with himself.

I turn my head to the side as he looks my upper body up and down. I know that my face is as probably as red as a tomato at that moment.

I feel his hand turn my face, so that I'm looking at him.

"You are beautiful Taylor." I smile and our lips connect once again.

This is your announcer coming back to you now, please don't forget about North Valley Children's Daycare having more openings, and please stop by our hot dog cart for one of our delicious wieners.

The music from the radio starts playing again once the announcement is over. Joe and I look at each other, then we just bust out laughing. Nothing like a random radio broadcast to put you in the mood.

When our laughing fit is over we go back to kissing and fondling and whatever else we had been doing before the radio announcement.

The only materials of clothing either of us have on now is underwear. I can feel how hard Joe is, as his member presses into me. I let a small sigh out of my mouth, and Joe's return is a loud moan.

Joe gets fully off of me then. He goes back to the door and grabs the drugstore sack. I blush as I realize that he's getting the condoms. He comes back over to the bed and sits on the edge, taking the box from the bag. He tosses the bag to the floor, and opens the box.


"Do you remember when you started reading the effects of the condoms on the back of the condom box?" I ask as I come out of the bathroom, in a robe, towel drying my hair.

I see the smile light Joe's features, and he nods.

"Yes I do. I also remember you going back for that damned safe sex pamphlet and reading it, while I tried putting the condoms on." We both laugh.

I go and sit with him on the couch that the honey moon suit has. We cuddle together thinking back to the first time.


With my back against the headboard I look through the safe sex pamphlet that I had just rescued from the trash.

Joe was still trying for the condom, so far he had ripped two and was trying his third now.

"You know that if that condom breaks while your, um, inside, then I could get pregnant." I say eyes still scanning the pamphlet.

"You know that this condom gives both you and I more pleasure by wearing it." He says with a smirk.

He starts to slide the condom down his length, but again it rips. I let out a small giggle, while going back to the pamphlet.

"You've been tested right, I mean I don't think you have any STD's but still you've been tested."

"Taylor, I've only had sex two other times, with the same girl, and that was like two years ago I think I'm okay, and the condom will protect you from anything, hopefully." He says the last part quietly, but I still hear it.

My eyes widen a bit, but I keep my cool, and throw the pamphlet onto the nightstand beside the bed.

The lady's words from earlier were starting to come back to me.

"Joe, you don't actually believe that God will strike us down for doing this on his day, when we aren't married or anything like that do you?" I squeak out.

Joe turns to me. His eyes are blank, but he has a smile on his face.

"Taylor we'll be fine, don't bother about what that lady said, she's just a crazy old coot." I smile and shake my head.

"Finally!" Joe practically shouts. I look to him to see that he is smiling down at his member. He must have gotten a condom to finally stay on and not rip.

I feel the bed shift as Joe crawls over to me. He lays his body on top of mine his now rubber covered member pressing into my stomach. I still have my boy shorts on. The only thing separating us from going any further.

His lips connect with mine, he kisses down my neck, as his fingers travel down my body and to the rim of my underwear. He gives a little tug and I lift my body, so he can remove the material from my body.

Now we are both fully nude, and I'm probably more nervous now than I had been through the entire thing.

"Are you ready Taylor?" Joe asks as his gray orbs search my blue ones. Looking for any doubt that I may have.

"Yes I'm ready." He positions himself at my entrance.

"Wait." Joe stops everything for a moment. I look at him confused.

"I love you Taylor." I blush and smile.

"Don't go all mushy on me now, but I love you too Joe." We both laugh.

Knowing that there would be pain, I grab Joe by the back of his neck and smash our lips together as he enters me.

I feel the tears slide down my face as he starts moving slowly. I never let our lips part once, because I knew if they did I would start screaming or something like that, I didn't want that.

It was only a few minutes before the pain finally subsided, and I started to enjoy the feeling of him moving inside me.


"Please Taylor, Baby!" It was one of the rare times when you would see Joe beg for something.

"What is it Joe?" I ask with a knowing smile.

"Remembering our first time and how good it all felt has really put me in the mood. C'mon Taylor, it's our honeymoon for Christ's sakes!" I laugh and peck his cheek.

I get up off the couch and make my way back to the bed.

"Hey, baby you remember our vacation to Spain?"

"Yeah why?" Then something registers within him and he gives me a sly smile.

"C'mon baby." I sing as I lay on the bed.

"Coming." He laughs. He shuts the door behind him, and we finally start our honeymoon, or that's what Joe says is the beginning of the honeymoon.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I changed his name from Noah to Joe, because the comments I got people actually thought that was his real name, so now it is his real name, and these are real people. Taylor is Taylor Swift and Noah, now Joe is Joe Brooks. Just clarifying things up. =D