Status: Updating as much as possible. Active!

A Baby Boy You've Held So Tightly, This Pain It Visits Almost Nightly

Andy has lived in Ohio pretty much all his life. He faces challenges with physical and verbal abuse every day, not only from his school mates. But from his father too.
Andy has had to grow up very fast even though he is only 17 years old. He not only has to take care of himself, but also his younger siblings.... Andy has very few friends at school, including his best friend since first grade, and ex-girlfriend Scout Taylor Compton.

Ashley has just recently moved to Ohio. Ashley has always been faced with bullying, but it was never too badly considering he is actually quite strong and can fend for himself. Ashley just moved in with his mother and father. His parents are very loving and supportive of him, and will do honestly anything to keep him happy. Ash loves his family with all his heart and would never trade them for anything. He is bi-sexual meaning he is attracted to not only females, but males too. Ashley has never really had many friends, so he doesn't really miss anything from his hometown...

When these 2 meet, will sparks fly? Or will they just ignore each others existence? ... Find out ;D

Disclaimer: I do not own Andy Biersack, Ashley Purdy, Christian Coma, Jinxx, Jake Pitts, Danny Worsnop or Matt Good. However I do own Heather, Marissa, Michael,, and the other characters that I have yet to think of....