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Speak the Truth, Even if Your Voice Shakes


1. I know this sounds fucked up, but I wish my parents were abusive so I could send them to jail and never see them again.
2. I've held in tears for so long, I'm scared that any little sad thing will send me off.
3. My dream is to stab someone.
4. I'm kind of addicted to masturbation.
5. I wish I could smoke.
6. If my parents knew the real me...they'd give crazy and depression pills.
7. I don't cut myself because I'm scared of physical harm. And I feel like a poser for it.
8. People expect me to be happy and upbeat. I hate it so much.
9. It's ridiculous how much I want to kill myself.
10. I'm an atheist.
11. I fucking hate my younger brother.
12. I'm scared my older brother will get killed in the marines.
13. I don't ever feel safe ANYWHERE.
14. My friends say I'm pretty...but I know they're lying.
15. I'm about to cry because of number 12.
16. My 2 best friends (my only real friends) are moving.
17. My family says I talk to much, but actually, I talk a lot because they listen. and no one ever listens anymore.
18. Insanity and depression are my 2 best friends in the whole world.
19. I might be schizo.
20. I was terrified someone was going to walk in while I was writing this.
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