Status: Re-written

Dreams Can Come True

2 Months Later

Sam's P.O.V

So here we are 2 months after finding out were actaully going on tour with My Chemical Freaking Romance

Excited much

After we found out and got down from our shock and hyperness, I got all the details needed and our tickets and passes were being posted to us

We went shopping the day after to get a whole load new of clothes and when we were finished we litaerally had about 30 bags between us

We are with them for year apperently...I know a whole year,wow...gona be good
Laura needs a good break away from here after everything,this will do here good and who knows what may happen

We drove back to our apartment and we then realised that we had two more months to wait till it finally happened

Least we can start packing early and dont have to worry bout it nearer the time
The only trouble was work, it was alright for Laura she does her work from home as her being a hairdresser and then theres me, working in a book shop (classy i know,but it pays), just need to get the time off, or maybe quit

I'll ring my boss and find out

Laura's P.O.V

Here we are back at the apartment after 5 hours of shopping, my feet killing me and then realising we still had 2 months to wait, I left Sam in the living room while i went to my room to have a lay down

'Cant believe this is gona happen, you can only ever dream of it,but when it comes true you dont believe it till it actaully happens'

Im excited but nervous after what happened,I get wary and still aint 100% but for Sam and for my sake, I will do my best and who knows what will happen

As they say anything can happen


My Chem's Tourbus

Gerard was working on his art, while Mikey,Ray and Frank were playing call of duty and Bob reading a magazine

There manager Brian needed a meeting with them but they were all occupied and couldnt care less untill Bran mentioned two girls

This made Frank stop his game,jump up and start looking round,while the other looked at each other wondering what the hell was going on

When Brain finally got there attention he expalined the situation and what was happening, by the time he finished, Frank was super exicted, Mikey and Ray were pleased and Gerard and Bob were well had nothing to say.

Gerard's P.O.V

Two girls on one bus with five guys, now this should be fun
I hope there nice and not stuck up

Ray's P.O.V

Wow, quite a shock, we knew about the competion but never knew that it'd be two girls maybe couple of guys,but hey this is gona be one hell of a year
I wonder what there like
Cant wait,bet there nice girls,im hoping so

Frank's P.O.V

Seriously cannot believe it, now we thought it be two guys cause which girls would want to spend a year on a bus with five guys, then again were My Chemcial Romance so yeah i can get that.
This is gona be so cool, i actaully thought there were girls on here now but no.
Most of the girls we meet only want us for money or fame or sex
Now the sex is good but were five gingle guys with needs but we still have hearts and we have been had many times
I just hope this girls are different and from what Brian told us about them i have a good feeling
But whart they dont know is that Avenged will be joining us for 6 months,wonder how they'll react, what a suprise its gona be for them

Bob's P.O.V

This is quite surprising but may actaully turn out well,bet there nervous just as much as us,but we can only hope and see
This may be a good year

Mikey's P.O.V

Me and Frank are excited that this very tour bus were on right now is gona be the home of two girls
The only trouble is what there like,Brian told us there nice girls and they think of us just like normal guys expect we're known everywhere
After my ex i dont really wanna be screwed over again and the guys have had similar ones aswell, hence why were single, we dont just want anyone, we want someone who loves and cares for who we are not just cause were in some band with money and the fame, we want more than that
I just hope they are different, we all have our hopes high that they will be
And there not just gona be around us,yeah on our bus but what they dont know is Avenged Sevenfold are touring with us aswell
They know the situation and with Zacky and Matt single and with us being single, who knows whats gona happen
Wonder what there gona think when they find out....we will have to wait and see

And after Brian left they went back to what they were doing but thinking about the two girls that are about to enter there lives
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Hope you enjoy the second chapter
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