Status: Re-written

Dreams Can Come True

The day has come

Laura's P.O.V

I cant belive that the day has finally come after two whole months of waiting here we are at the airport making sure we have eveything and getting ready to board the plane that will set us off to America

Sam being Sam has got everything out to recheck and i mean everything,Its like her room when its a mess but a smaller version, luckly we have 2 hours to wait

(I know but hey get here early is better to get here late,plus we have some fun)

After about half hour she finally repacked everything and then it was up to me to make sure i had the tickets and board passes

The stuff you need just to get on a plane, how do people do it, In these two months Sam quit here job,I told my clients i was going away, and done stupid amounts of clothes shopping and we didnt even bring half of them, and Sam made sure all stuff was paid and that everything was sorted so we didnt have to worry.....Its sweet that she does,someone has to and i usually forget. but oh well here we are sitting aound drinking coffee making small talk or in Sam's case looking round to see which are the hot guys and which are not, Its a good game, at times

All i worry about is how am i gona be around them,I have decided play it cool and causal i mean well they are just like us expect guys and more well known but they are normal guys who have normal lives and at the end of the day they are just like the rest of us and thats what im gona do treat them like,normal guys,maybe a bit fangirlish but its normal for girls like us,but in all seriousness they re just like everybody else and im sure they've had there fair share of fangirls and im sure after a while its nice but probs can get a bit tiering,well they dont have to worry bout that with me,after what ive been though,im surprised im going but as Sam has said I need this it will be a good get away and break and shes right,im gona enjoy myself and just see what will happen

Sam on the otherhand god knows what shes gonna be like, she has this thing for drummers,so watch out Bob, her last two boyfriends were drummers but didnt work out, she can get hyper like me,but worse at times,least her and Frank will have something in common,but we will see what will happen.

Sam's P.O.V

Here I am sitting with my bestest friend in the whole wide world,finding the hot guys,and so far two out of like 50,anyways this is gona be so freaking awesome,now we got told their's a surprise for us and me and Laura have been debating what it is,I think a strip show by them,but thats just us ebing all dreamy and wishing..we have no idea and hey knwking me i'll probs pass out usually happens with surprises,kinda funny in a way

Only one hour left this is taking long,we wanted to get here early to avoid traffic and so we are nice and early,didnt think it would be two hours but it has and the only thing entertaining us is our coffee and the people around us

I aint gona be bad or all fangirl round them, Laura a bit optimistic but i have told her to enjoy herself,she needs it and this is a good getaway for both of us, I just gona be me i think and see, as they say anything can happen and who knows what will happen, we know there single but things change and i can say for the both of us were just happy to be part of there tour and be with them and find out their true selves and not what we hear on the internet,magazine or tv

I cant wait till the mornings when they first wake up,oh what a sight, Laura has here camera for all these precious moments we will have and I have a feeling that this tour will bring Laura happeniess and maybe find someone,and maybe me but we dont keep our hopes up on something like that,just gotta wait and see,just wait and see.

One hour later

''Flight 201 to New York is now ready to board''

Laura and Sam got there stuff checked in and were now on board the plane that would take them to meet there hero's and they couldnt be more excited

Entertaining themselves with food,music and the film playing 'Hairspray' causing them to sing along to all the songs,not expecting on what there gona find when they land and meet not one of there favourite bands but two

As the plane took off it was too late to turn back and all Laura and Sam had to do now was wait and see what awaits them when they land.