Status: Please comment and tell me what you think of this, its only ever been meant as a short story but there are quite a lot of chapters but if you want a longer one check out my other ones to.

Forbidden Love.

The Past is the Past or is it?

I walked down the hall as the school bell echoed signalling the end of another day.
I walked in the art room to find Mrs Slight leaning up against a desk at the front of the room.
“Isn’t he here yet?” I asked in disgust.
“No Miss Millard, Mr Jonas has yet to arrive for detention,” she said returning to the book that she held in her hands.
I sat at a desk, my eyes on the clock, watching the seconds ticking by before 5 minutes passed and the door swung open revealing Nick with his usual grin.
“Nice of you to join us Mr Jonas,” Mrs Slight snared as she placed down her book.
Nick didn’t say a word as he sat at a desk, his eyes ahead not looking at me.
“Today I’m going to need you two to clean out this room, there some garbage bags at the front of the room so if you could pick out the trash and put it in bags and place them by the supply closet at the back of the room, and I’ll be in my office if you need anything.”
We both murmured fin and watched as she left, closing the door behind herself.
I threw Nick a glare before walking to the bags and beginning our job.
Are you going to help? I asked spinning round as I felt Nick’s eyes burning into my back.
“Nope,” he said a grin on his lips.
“Ugh, look I know you don’t wanna be here with me and believe me I don’t wanna be here with you anymore but we are so can you please just help?” I begged before turning my attention back to the trash.
A heard the sound of Nicks steady breathing before his footsteps arose and came from the distance till Nick was stood next to my side as he picked up a bag and sorted the trash.
“I never expected you to be here,” he said moments later.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked my eyes down.
“Nothing, I just...I thought you were a good girl, never did anything wrong.”
“Your one to talk golden boy, I thought you were always good to make daddy proud,” I snarled.
“I do what I wanna do,” he said defensively.
“Yeah right, daddy says jump, you say how high.”
“Like you don’t like you didn’t when we-“ he snapped but trailed off, turning his attention back to the trash.
We didn’t say another word, just kept our attention back on the job.
“How are you two getting on?” Mrs Slight asked an hour later, creeping slowly into the room.
No one spoke to answer her.
“Excuse me?”
“Fine” I said because Nick wouldn’t.
“Well it looks like you two have quite a while to go before you’ll be done so I want you back here tomorrow to finish it off.”
“Can we go now?” Nick asked rudely.
“Yes Mr Jonas, you and Miss Millard may go.”
We grabbed our stuff and walked out the room, not saying a word or even giving a glare. We walked down the hall side by side, till we came to the lot then parted ways.

“Melissa is that you?” my dad called as I entered the house.
“Yeah it’s me.”
“Where were you?” he asked walking into the hall.
“At school, I had to stay late.”
“Another after school club?” he asked laughing.
“Um, sort of.”
“Well I’m gonna be out tonight so I’ve put money by the phone for pizza.”
“Oh ok.”
“Have a good night and I’ll see you late,” he said placing a kiss unto my temple.
“Bye dad.”
“Bye Hun,” he said and left, leaving me here in the house alone.
I walked up the stairs and into my room, falling back on to my bed staring up and my white painted ceiling.
I knew this week would be hard with Nick but I had no idea he still thought of the past.
I had no idea he thought of our past
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