Status: This is a short story in the making

New Home

Leaving The Old

"Its time to go." Star said closing the door to their now old house in Neopia.
They had been living in the poorest side of Neopia for years and now that Star was a little more wealthier they could move out of the hole in the wall house.
Star had been expanding their family and even though she had very little she always welcomed new friends.

She could feel the relief of the older neopets in her family but the sadness of the younger ones.

"Why do we have to leave, mom?" Jace asked her as a tear rolled down his cheek.
"We are getting a bigger house so we can all fit together! No need to cry, Jace. It'll be fun and you'll have soo many new friends, I promise!" Star said giving him a hug.
"What if we don't like it??" Becks whispered looking down at the floor.
"Yeah, and what if there are monsters!?" Jace's eyes widened.
"What?? What happened to being Mr. Tough guy, Jace?" Clarissa smiled at Jace.
"Be nice, Clary." Star said giving her a stern look.
"It'll be fine." Azrael said giving Clarissa a look as well. "Come on guys. Klein is already in his car seat. You know he only sits still for so long."

As they were getting in the car, Uriel came rushing down the street. "DOOOOONT LEAAAAVE MEH, MOMMA!!!!!!"
"Here comes the drama king." Clarissa shook her head.
"You're late Uriel. We almost left you. What took you so long anyways?? You're never late." Star said looking exhausted.
"I... I ...*wheeze* I went to get my...mrphh.. from the safety deposit box." He said leaning on the van.
"Your what?"
"Uriel I don't understand you."
"Mom!!!! My...*ahem* lucky boxers.." Uriel blushed.
"Really Uriel??!! Get in!!" Star said impatiently.
"But I need them for my auditions. You know I'm going to need them to break out into the movie star scene."
"No wants to see you break out in those.. I don't think they take boxers with your face on them seriously." Clarissa laughed.
"Clarissa!!" Star said giving her another look.
"I hope you got everything cause we are Brightvale bound!"
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This is a work in progress. :3