Promise Not to Leave Me Behind

James Maslow/OC

He’d ditched his band, his home, his on-set family and friends, everything he’d ever worked for and dreamed about. Nobody could comprehend it; he was calm and content, a generally easy-going young man of twenty-one years. Why the sudden change? His girlfriend was devastated and for the first month and a half of his absence, she made a habit of texting him or leaving voice mails, trying to call and reach out for answers.

“Why did you leave, James?”

“Weren’t you happy with us?”

“I thought you loved me.”

“I miss you, baby…”

There was never a response and eventually she stopped her attempts at contacting him. She gave up, heart shattered, possibly never to be repaired as long as she lived.

However, sometimes life has a fascinating way of bringing people back together…