Status: On Break due to me being ultra super busy :(

Lucky Now

He Thinks I'm Crazy

I sat three tables down from Alex and his jock friends. One of these days I will have the guts to approach them and finally talk to him. I doubt he even knows I exist, barely anyone does anyway. I have my friend Lucas, but that's it. He had a girlfriend, her name was Renee. 

I didn't like her. She was after my captain's position on the chess team. She only started playing chess freshman year. I've been playing chess against my computer for eight years now. Since I didn't have friends, I played chess. Lucas never liked going over people's houses because he said they weren't safe. I promised him that my parents weren't serial killers but he still refuses to come over. 

Lucas came over to me and plopped down at the seat across from me with his bagged lunch he had brought from home because he didn't trust an ingredients put in the cafeteria lunches. I could actually agree with him about that because the food was nasty. The only one who enjoyed it was Renee because he ate everything and anything. If it looked edible, she ate it. If it was expired, she still ate it. I just thought that was gross. Another reason why I don't like Renee. 

Renee sat down next to Lucas and they acted all lovey dovey with each other an I just tried to ignore it and eat my mystery meat burger. They stopped when they realised that it was bothering me.
"Jack, if it's making you so uncomfortable, then go get a love of your own." 

"But one look at me and people laugh." I looked down at my feet. My nose was a fucking ice berg in the middle of my face. People could practically ski off of it. Then I looked like no one ever fed me. The whole skunk hair thing wasn't working for me, no one seemed to like it on me. I had overly hairy legs which people hated to look at that's why I constantly wear pants no matter how hot it is. I had big chunky glasses that rested on my ice berg of a nose. People used to tell me I had pretty eyes, but now they were hidden behind the glasses. 
"They don't laugh Jack." he looked down at his food because he knew it was true. 

"I should put up a profile on" I said quietly hoping he didn't catch my response. He was deathly afraid of dating sites, but then again, he was afraid of everything. 

"Jack, no its for desperate people and rapists!" He told me with utter horror in the thought. 

"I'll be fine, trust me. Come over later and I'll make it."

"C..come over?" He asked genuinely scared to come over to my house. 

"Yes, my house is fine I swear." 

"But what if I get sick or die!?"

"You'll be fine Lucas."

"Okay fine." He sighed, "But if something happens to me it'll be on your conscience!"

"I think I could live with that." I said as I got up and made my way to my next class before the bell rang. 


There was an awkward knock on my door so I suspected Lucas. I opened the door and he looked like he had just seem a ghost. He was shaking and his eyes bugged out. I rolled my eyes and dragged him into my room. I pulled up my laptop onto my bed and laid next to Lucas. He seemed I have calmed down a bit since he was at the door. 

I opened the website and began to fill out the form to make a profile.

NAME: Jack Barakat

AGE: 17

LOCATION: Baltimore, Maryland

HOBBIES: Playing guitar and listening to blink 182


ABOUT YOU: I am a very adventurous person and very loving. I love to joke and have fun but know when to be serious. I'm not your typical teenager that goes out every weekend to party but when the time is right, I can and will let loose and party too. 

I sat there and stared at the screen before I pressed enter to make sure everything was perfect. Lucas wasn't the best supporter on me liking guys but when I was around, he put his thoughts behind him. That's probably why he's my only friend. Gay people are accepted at school, but there are always a few who don't agree. 

I finally pressed enter and the website asked me for a username. I thought for a second. I thought of funny ones like Jack-In-A-Box. I thought of seductive ones like JackBonerkat. I decided to stick with that one and if it didn't work, I could try another site. I almost didn't want to go through with this because all I wanted was Alex. I could use this boyfriend to get experience so I will be ready for Alex and to cater to his every last want, wish, and need. 

Lucas and I sat down on my couch and played videogames until his mom came to pick him up. It still amazed me that he was going to be driven around for the rest of his life because he didn't want to drive on the same road as drunks, criminals, and rapists. I offered to drive him but he doesn't trust my car either. I couldn't blame him. 
My phone buzzed and Lucas got up to get it off the counter. 
"Uhh, Jack."


"You got an email from" I almost jumped out of my skin I was so excited. I got up and grabbed the phone to open the email. 

Dear JackBonerkat 

Heyy, I love your username and just about everything about you. I wish I could see you, what do you look like baby?

-SexyLexy ;)
♠ ♠ ♠
Random thought of a fic at one AM haha. Well I hope there aren't any spelling errors that I missed :P
Anyway I need feedback on whether or not I should continue it or what you think.

-Stella :D