Status: On Break due to me being ultra super busy :(

Lucky Now

Not Over

Jack hung up on me. What an asshole. No one hangs up on Alex Gaskarth. Well I never really gave out my number that's probably why. I looked up from the phone to see Lucas offering his hand. I accepted it and he took me to his car. 
"Your house or mine, babe?" that was a good question. Lucas never allowed me into his house. Well not for the three days we started dating. I gladly accepted his presence at my house. 
"Mine." I smiled at him seductively an we headed to my house. 

He pulled into my driveway and looked at me. I grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a kiss. He seemed surprised but he didn't do anything to stop it. We broke the kiss to exit the car until we met again by the hood. I sat him on the hood of his car and started to kiss him so more. 

This time he opened his mouth to let my tongue explore. He tried to mirror what I was doing and was doing a damn good job. I didn't care who saw us from the street when they drive by. My parents were asleep by now, so they wouldn't see. They didn't appreciate me flaunting my sexuality around them. That just meant don't b gay around them. He wrapped his legs around my waist to pull me closer.
"Alex, I.. I want you." Lucas whispered oh so seductively in my ear. As much as I wanted to flip him over and fuck him on the hood oh his car, I couldn't. All I thought of was Jack.

I couldn't understand. I've cheated before and felt nothing, why now. I broke the kiss again and I backed away from him. I shook my head and if it wasn't dark, you would be able to see the tears in my eyes. 
"I can't do this to Jack."

"Fuck Jack, he's an asshole."

"You don't know anything about Jack!" 

"Oh, I don't know anything about Jack!? Do you know what he is?" he jumped off the hood getting closer to me, probably smelling my fear. 

"W-what is Jack?"

"He isn't human!"


"Long story short, Jack isn't interested in you and I don't need to make up silly excuses to tell you why!"

"I don't care, I love him." I grabbed his collar in a more serious manner and pulled him close to me, "and I'm not going to let you ruin what we have!"

I let go of his shirt and stormed into the house. My parents were waiting by the door with concerned looks on their faces. 

"You know that boy you met?"


"Yes, he's in the hospital, he was in a car accident. His sister is five but there is a small chance that Jack is going to make it out alive." the tears started to well in my eyes again. My dad tossed me the keys to his car and I ran out the door. 

I rushed up the steps of the main hospital building and ran to the lady at the desk. 
"Jack Barakat?" I asked frantically.
"Oh, he's in critical condition, who is asking?" she still tried to remain as perky as she was before. 
"His boyfriend." 

"Room 482, if you tell them that he's your boyfriend, they will let you in." I grabbed the pass she gave me and I ran down the hall. I ran down a hallway with red doors until I saw the numbers, 482. 

I opened the door slowly and I saw Jack's sister too. She was awake, but Jack's eyes were closed. 
"Are you Jack's sister?"

"Alex! I'm so happy to meet you, but so sorry about the circumstances."

"You're sorry? You are the hurt ones, I'm sorry." 

"I'm Valerie, I know you Jack never shuts up about you." I let out a laugh. 

"So how is Jack?"

"Not good, but probably better than my baby."

"Why?" I slipped out but looked down at the floor because I realized it was a touchy question.

"The baby didn't make it, but I dot need an apology I didn't want it anyway, who wants a rapists' baby right?"

"Uhh yeah." I let out an awkward smiled. 

"Go, see Jack." She gestured to the other side of the room. 

I walked slowly over to Jack's side to see him asleep and broken. He was attached to multiple machines trying to keep him alive. I say down next to him as the slow beeping of his heart rate lulled my thoughts. I wanted to curl into him one more time or to give him one last kiss. I wanted to see him smile one last time, but something in my heart said that I wouldn't be able to, that he was gone. 

I soon snapped out of my thoughts with the horrid sound of reality. The beeping had ceased and left a long alarm sound coming from the machine. The green line on the screen had stopped moving and just went flat. My Jack was gone. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay quickly updating this because it's a dramatic part so, I'm really sorry don't hate me!


-Stella :D