Status: On Break due to me being ultra super busy :(

Lucky Now

Picture Perfect

I try my best to put on a genuine smile everyday ad my friends usually buy it. I am at that point where I have dated just about everyone at school so now I'm out of options. I do not get back with ex's. Never. I scanned the cafeteria and everyone I saw, I have dated. I dated all the girls a couple guys, but the only ones I didn't date are the straight guys. If I date them there probably wouldn't be any straight guys left in the school. 

I sat down next to Madison, captain of the cheer squad. I realised that I haven't dated her. But she was my best friend and I don't want to ruin the friendship we have since all my relationships seem to end in disaster. Apparently, there are two people in a relationship. I thought they had to do things for me. If I'm hungry, bring me food. If I'm horny, suck my dick. It's not hard but apparently people don't agree and "they have feeling too."

Madison was really my one true friend. Sure I had Keith, Jason, and Markus but they don't care about me. They would sit at the same lunch table, call me up when there's a party and sometimes offer to take me to it, but I was usually the driver, they were on the football team like me so they were really just trying to kiss up to the captain. They never cared if I looked really happy or if I was upset. They didn't give a damn about my well being. One time I got drunk and they left me at the damn party. What kind of friends do that?

She took one look at me and knew I was upset. Madison knew my fake smiles, she knew when I would lie to her, she knew absolutely everything that was going on in my confusing little brain, even if I didn't know. 
"What's wrong?"

"I feel... I feel lonely." I sighed as I knew she would give me some lecture on that's what you get for being a manwhore and blah blah blah.

"Well is it because you don't have a girlfriend," then she leaned in closer and starter to whisper,"or a boyfriend?"

She knew I was bisexual but the guys didn't. She accepts and is totally in on the whole bisexual thing. She was like 'I always wanted a gay friend oh my god!'she supports me 100% but I don't know how the guys would take it. I only dated four other guys and I blamed it on being drunk at the party and I usually got away with it. 
"Yeah I want one but I've dated just about everyone here." I made a hand motion around the cafeteria to make it sound more dramatic. 

"How about"

"A dating website!?"

"Yeah, but it would take you a bit to get to know someone before you inevitably dump them." There's the lecture. 

"I'll give it time, I'm just desperate."

"I'm coming over tonight to help you make your profile."

"Fine." I sighed. Sometime having a cheerleader for a friend wasn't fun. They are always happy I mean come on. She ran off before I could even answer but I answered anyway. Like I really had a choice.


I opened my laptop and typed in the address in the search bar and it took me to the dating site. I read about it and what you need to door and before I knew it, Madison came running into my room and flung herself onto my bed next to me on front of my laptop. 
"This is going to be so cool, Lex!"

I nodded slowly but I still wasn't interested. She took my laptop and began to fill out the form,
"Okay name?" I shot her a weird look and she just shrugged we shoulders and nudged at the screen.
"Alex Gaskarth."


"Seventeen. Baltimore Maryland." I said quickly before she could ask the next question. She signed and moved onto the next one. 


"Football, singing, playing guitar, and blink 182." I said 182 slowly with a little attitude because of an inside joke I have with Madison, he laughed and typed it down.

"Interested in, men and women. About me, I do what I love and am a very dominant person. " she said as se typed it down. 


"Yeah, dominant is a better word than selfish, right?" I sighed, giving in and agreed. She pressed enter and it gave me a list of 'quick matches' 
"My username is SexyLexy!?"

"Yes." she laughed 

"People are gonna think I'm a fucking chick!" 

"Well I couldn't put your picture cause someone is camera shy, what a surprise." 

We scrolled through the quick matches but most of them weren't good enough. Some were fat, some were pedophiles, others were flat chested. Damn why am I so superficial. From now on I should get to know people not for their looks, but I'm so used to it why is is so damn hard? 

"What about JackBonerkat?" I was intrigued by the username so I read more. He didn't have a picture either. He loved blink 182, he was my age, and played guitar. Perfect. But what he looks like is really going to decide whether it not I date him. I sent him a message and hopefully I'll get a picture back. Hopefully he doesn't think that I'm a chick. 

Within three hours of agonising wait, I got a message back from Jack. 

Dear SexyLexy

Here's what I look like, but I want to see you baby. 


There was a picture under the message. It had to be him. He was tall with sexy skunk hair. He had a big nose, but it wasn't horrible. He had beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He was a bit pale but then again, so was I. He was skinny, really skinny. He was perfect. All his little imperfections made him that much better. 

Madison made me pose for a picture so I could send him what I look like. I hated getting my picture taken. I always thought I looked too fat or I looked stupid. It  amazed me that people were so comfortable with taking their own pictures. I took like twenty pictures before I found one that I thought was worthy to send Jack.

I sent it within minutes of taking it and I say there and waited anxiously for a reply. My future relationship was in the hands of a complete stranger. A sexy stranger, but still a stranger. 
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Omfg apparently people are really excite about my fic! I love you guys!

-Stella :D