Status: Brand new. Comments keep me motivated. ;)

Like The Sound Of A Smile


As the crew walked through the front doors of the elegant gothic-style church, Ellie’s stomach twisted into an array of knots as realization hit. Today would be the day she had to watch her big brother, the one who taught her how to ride a bike and throw a baseball, the one who sang to her a rhyme about tying her shoes, the one who was her only protection from any darkness in her life, be lowered into the ground where his body would never breathe a breath of life again. She let her eyelids fall closed over the tears dampening her lashes. Two arms wrapped tightly around her torso, adding to her inability to breathe.

It didn’t take long for her to be noticed by the enemy. Walking toward Ellie, Drake ran his hand over his jet black slicked back hair, and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

“You look so gorgeous, Eleanor. Shame Emmet isn’t here to see how good you look right now.” Jack stepped in front of Ellie, but she put a hand on his shoulder, calming him.

“Not here, Jack” she whispered in his ear.
“You ever so much as mutter his name again, it will be the last thing you say” Jack threatened.

“Yeah right, pretty boy. What are you going to get your little boyfriend over there to scuffle out in the parking lot?” Drake chuckled, pointing at Zack.

“Not worth it, bro.” Rian said, walking past, pulling Jack’s arm along with him as he moved.

Then Ellie stood there, completely alone, for another minute or so, Drake standing over her.

“Drake, baby. Come over here.” Ellie’s mother called just as he opened his mouth to say something. He winked and walked off.

Jack tried to pay attention to what Rian was saying, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Ellie. She really did look beautiful. Her long brown hair hung to the bottom of her ribcage falling in its natural loose curls. Her dress was of respectable length, but accentuated every curve on her body. The low swooping boat-neck neckline showed off her protruding collar bones, revealing the spot that was once Jack’s favorite place to put his lips. He thought back to the numerous arguments they had gotten into over hickeys left there. She’d argue that none of her tops would hide it, and he’d argue that she shouldn’t feel she’d have to. They’d laugh about it in the end, and after a flirt punch to his nonexistent bicep, they’d kiss and return to normal. That was how all of their fights would end. Well, before things got bad, that is. As his face fell at the remembrance of the last conversation they’d had before they parted ways, he watched a man with a body to rival Zack’s sneak up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist from behind.

“You look beautiful, El.” she heard his voice whisper into her ear.

“Adam!” she squealed, turning around to hug him tightly. He kissed her temple, and laced their fingers. It was the most comforting feeling in the world to her, just having him there. She noticed Matt standing behind him, who walked over and engulfed the pair in a group hug.

“Can I sit next to you?” Adam asked, looking down at Ellie.

“Of course, babe.” she responded, kissing him on the cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys. I took mad long in updating. I have a fairly legitimate excuse this time though. I'm starting a band and I've been writing lyrics like it's my job. (Which hopefully it soon will be) But I have also been spending a lot of time at my real job, and I've been globin' a lot. Also, tomorow (technically today) is the day I've been waiting for. I will FINALLY be ordering my One Direction tickets! :D I'm so excited. I'm going to pee on everything. ALSO! All Time Low announced that they will not only be playing a show fifteen minutes away from my apartment, but also in Philly the next day. I'm going to throw up everywhere nonstop for those 48 hours. AH!

Anyway, thanks to everybody. You're all awesome. I love you.