Status: Brand new. Comments keep me motivated. ;)

Like The Sound Of A Smile


Jack watched from his seat in the second row as Ellie cried throughout the ceremony. She kept her head on the shoulder of some buff blond, who was very comfortable with his arm around her shoulder, offering tissues as needed. He’d whisper softly to her and kiss her head. It took all that Jack had inside of himself to keep from reaching forward and grabbing a handful of curls then smashing his face off of the pew.
“Who’s that guy?” Alex leaned over asking. “Did Ellie tell you she had a boyfriend?”

Jack couldn’t say a word. His nostrils flared with disgust as he shook his head. She hadn’t told him that she had a boyfriend, but refraining from telling the truth would be considered a form of lying, right? He was right to be upset by this, right? He had been deceived, right? He was shaken from his thoughts as Zack slapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. He had to carry the casket out. He stood, and walked to take his place with the other pallbearers, the new guy included.

As he carried the body of someone who he’d called his best friend, someone who would have been the godfather of one of his children, someone who would have been in his life for years and years to come, he looked over at Ellie. Her face was blank, tears streaming down her cheeks. She looked completely hopeless, almost the same way she looked when he left for that tour. Almost. Jack shot her a reassuring smile, but it was not him she was looking at, but the other guy, who must have been close with Emmet. Close enough to carry his casket to the hearse.

Everyone filtered out of the church in groups. Jack watched Ellie descend the three marble stairs outside of the church with such grace, the queen of England would envy her. Despite the running makeup and bags under her eyes, she was still absolutely breathtaking. Jack caught himself staring at her with a feeling like he hadn’t felt in a long time. This was not the lust that had been his standard emotion toward women. No, this was something more. So pure. She made his knees weak and his tongue tied. He finally realized that standing a few yards away from him, she was the only one that could fill the void she herself had left. He knew it now, more than ever, that he was in fact hopelessly in love with her.

Approaching him, she gave a half hearted smile. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. He knew how desperate he looked. Any onlooker could see he was aching to have her close to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed.

She pulled away and looked him straight in the eye. His heart raced as she licked her lips, about to speak.

“I’m going to ride to the cemetery with Adam and Matt, if that’s okay.” She did not wait for a response, instead, she turned on her heel and waltzed over to the silver Ford Fusion, climbing in the passenger’s seat, accompanying Adam, who was driving, and Matt who was in the back seat. He could feel his throat tighten and stomach twist. The car zoomed off, and Zack clapped a hand on Jack’s shoulder.

“Don’t put too much thought into it, man. Ellie’s a good girl.”

Jack shook his head. Ellie had changed.
♠ ♠ ♠
It was kind of short. Sorry about that.
Since my last update I bought my One Direction tickets and didn't move to college. HOWEVER I will be moving tomorrow. (fingers crossed) Also, Katie and I are starting a video blog that you should subscribe to because it's going to be bitchin'.
Everyone's awesome.