Status: Brand new. Comments keep me motivated. ;)

Like The Sound Of A Smile


The pair decided to depart no more than an hour later. As the two made their way down the stairs, Ellie noticed two guests she had not earlier seen. The dark haired girl’s eyes snapped from the floor as soon as Ellie called out her name.

“Anna?” The girl was a wreck. She had obviously made her best attempt at looking good, her thin framed wrapped in a sleeveless black dress, her hair pinned back, but falling in loose curls. As far as makeup went, she looked as though she couldn’t be bothered by the thought. Her face was swollen and red. Her bright blue eyes showed no sign of the liveliness that usually radiated off of her.

Without a word, Anna stood and walked over to Ellie and Jack. Before she even made it to them, Ellie was nearly knocked over by a blow to her left knee. She looked down to see two beautiful blue eyes staring straight at hers.

“Aunt Ellie. I missed you so much!” the young girl squealed, holding onto her leg in a tight hug.

“I missed you, too, bean.” she replied with a smile-- the first sincere smile present on her face since she woke up. As she leaned down to pick up the child, Anna began to speak.

“El, I’m so glad you’re here,” She opened her arm for a hug, and Ellie accepted it, pulling her in with her free arm.

“When did Bean get so big?” she asked, looking at the angel on her hip.

“I’m almost four years old, Aunt Ellie!” the child replied. “I’m a big girl now!”

“Yes you are!”

“How long are you staying?” Anna asked.

“Are you coming to my birthday party? There’s going to be a pinata and ice cream!”

“Ava, I’m sure Aunt Ellie is going to be leaving soon. She probably won’t be able to make it.” The girl’s excitement faded. With furrowed eyebrows and puppy dog eyes, she nodded and looked down.

“I’m sure I can figure something out. I wouldn’t want to miss it.”

“Yay! I can’t wait! Can I get down? I want to go tell Grandma!” Ellie slowly leaned down until the toddler’s feet were on the floor.

“Ho-how are you holding up?”

“Ellie, it’s so hard. I can’t- I can’t even function. He was my everything.” tears started flowing down her cheek as she played with the ring on her left hand. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.” Ellie pulled her into a tight hug, and the two cried on each other’s shoulders for a while.

Jack just stood behind Ellie, his eyes darting between the two girls and the man standing against the wall across the room. A smirk played on his lips as he, too, watched Ellie’s every move. Jack’s blood began to boil, and his thoughts began to race. If he even came close to her, Jack would lose it. Drake noticed Jack’s glare and stared back at him. Lifting his glass as though he was toasting Jack, a filthy smile spread across his face before he took of sip of wine. He leaned forward, away from the wall and started moving toward the group. Jack placed his hand on Ellie’s arm.

“We need to leave.” he whispered. It was too late. Drake approached, giving Ellie a look up and down.

“God, I can’t even begin to tell you how glad I am that you made an appearance, El.” he spoke, after licking his lips.

“Back the fuck up, man.” Jack said, stepping in front of her.

“I’m just being nice to my step daughter, son. It’s important for a stepfather to have a good relationship with his stepchildren.”

“I guarantee that you are beyond the point of having a good anything with her, never mind deserving one.” he spat.

“Jack, stop, let’s just leave.” Ellie pleaded.

“Oh, so this is the infamous Jack.”

“Let’s leave, Jack. Please.” Jack sighed. After a quick goodbye with Anna, Jack following Ellie through the front door, a protective hand on the middle of her back.

As they walked to their cars, Jack started ranting and raving about how much of a creep Drake was, which only toyed with Ellie’s emotions more and more.

“Stop! Jack, just stop. I know he’s a creep. Believe me. I know more than anyone. I don’t want to hear it.” she half-yelled.

“Lee, I’m sor-”

“It’s whatever.” she said, getting into her car. Jack opened her car door as soon as she closed it.

“You’re still coming to my house, right?”

“I don’t know.” she pulled it back closed and locked the door. She waited for him to walk away, and sped down the street. She was out of sight before Jack even got to his car.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate this chapter. I worked nine hours today, and I"m tired. I didn't update yesterday, though, so I figured I'd update today. Hope you liked it. :D