Status: Brand new. Comments keep me motivated. ;)

Like The Sound Of A Smile


Ellie looked down at her phone. 42 missed calls, 36 texts, 12 voicemails. Rolling her eyes, she disregarded the incessant buzzing of her phone.

“Whatever Jack!” She screamed into the clear sky, throwing her arms over her head, which was tossed back, “I’m over it!”

She was walking down Main St. with her heels in one hand, and her clutch in another. It was 3:48 in the morning, and the streets were empty. She had not chosen to walk home that night, but the bartender had taken her keys, and asked her to leave. Turning left, she stumbled down the crooked sidewalk that she knew so well. She reached back in her clutch to grab her phone, dialing a number she still knew by heart.

“What” The word was dragged on for at least three seconds from the groggiest voice she had heard in a while.

“Bestie, you’re the best. And I have a surprise for youuuu” she sing-songed.


“Where are you? I’m at your house! Surprise!”

“What are you doing there? I don’t even live there anymore.”

“I just wanted to see you, Alex. Is it so wrong for a girl to want to see her best friend in the whole wide world?”

“Are you-- Ellie, are you drunk?”

“I’m not drunk, you’re the drunk one.”

“I’m coming to get you.”

“You don’t have to come get me, I came to you, sillyface.”

“I don’t live there.” he repeated, his patience running low. “Just, just stay there. I’ll be there in five minutes.”

“Okeydokey artichokey.” She dropped her phone, smashing the screen, and giggled. “I guess I don’t have to text wacky Jacky back” she spoke to herself. She started spinning around slowly and humming a song recognizable to not even herself. A few minutes later, Alex was there.

“Ellie, what are you doing? Do you have any idea what time it is?” She did not respond, instead she ran up to Alex and nearly tackled him to the ground with a warm embrace.

“I’ve missed you so much, Alex.” she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. She hadn’t realized before that moment how at home she felt in the ghost town with the people she had evaded for so long. Alex’s body was tense at first. He had no idea how to react. His body relaxed.

He thought back at all of the worrying he had done over her. She left when they were on their first big tour. She stopped talking to them the day they left. He thought she was just sad they were leaving. He thought things would be back to normal once they were home. When their plane landed on Baltimore grounds, he went straight out to find a taxi to take him to her, leaving his bags to be claimed by their manager. When he got to her house, though, the only thing her mother said to him was that she had moved away. He called her phone a million times, but always heard that monotone voice telling him the number was unavailable. Her facebook page had been disabled, and he couldn’t find her on twitter. She had disappeared. He always blamed himself for what happened. He knew it was. He knew exactly what she had felt. He was her best friend, after all. Since the first day of first grade, they were inseparable. He knew he shouldn’t have left her. He knew he should have invited her on tour with them. He just never thought she would have left like she did.
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I'm at Northern Light writing chapter eight currently. Let's hope to make this a two-fer Tuesday.