Blvd of Broken Dreams

Chapter 20: Know Your Enemy

"No, you didn't know Adrienne like I do. Billie could never see it, but she is one crazy bitch." Mike replied. "Him being alone with her is disastrous."
"We aren't armed though." Christine whispered.
"You're wrong," Mike unzipped his jacket pocket to reveal a revolver. Christine gasped and Tre mouthed the word nice. "When you called, I knew something was up. So I came prepared." Christine was impressed along with Cool.
"I have a crow bar in the back of my car." Tre shrugged. Mike told him to get it. When he returned to their circle they began to plan what they were going to do. When a patrol car crept around the corner Christine quickly flagged it over so the cops could go along with with their plan as well.

Billie Joe uneasy shifted in the couch as Adrienne paced before him. "That girl's bad for you, Billie, a toxin you need to purge yourself of. You just need some convincing."
"You a fucking liar. Where is Christine?" Billie Joe demanded. He started to rise from the couch, but the woman shook her head. She had managed to filch a butcher knife from Armstrong's kitchen after entering the house by merely stating she wanted something to drink. Adrienne held the knife out and Billie sat back down.
"Poor, Billie, so caught up in little Chrissy's web of lies. Do you want to know what happened to your house last night? Christine was a bad girl and decided to wreck your home because she never loved you and loves to see you squirm." Her voice was ice cold as she spoke. Billie murmured that he didn't believe her.
"Then why isn't she here now, Billie? Why has she not come to see you lately? You want to know why? Because she's off with those men who supposedly killed her family right now, laughing her ass off. Those men are her friends not her family's enemy. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are still living and breathing. The woman you found dead in the trailer was all just a scam.
"Christine just wanted your money. She never gave a shit about you. The little bitch even robbed the nice Hoover's before leaving town." Adrienne grew quiet to let her words sink in before the last sentences. "I lied when I said let me in or she dies. I knew you'd never let me in otherwise. The only reason I know all of this is that the man she's dating is my brother. I felt so guilty for leaving you and that bitch trying to rob you that I had to make you listen." The woman lowered her head, letting her dark black hair pool over her pale white face, hiding her grin.
Billie didn't know what to do. He didn't think Adrienne could make that up on her own, and she was apologizing to him after all. She is just trying to protect him. Armstrong didn't tell her that some of his cash had vanished from a desk drawer from last night as well. All Christine wanted was his money after all.
"Adrienne, you can put down the knife, I believe you." Billie Joe said after several minutes of silence.
"Thanks Billie. I'm so glad you're listening to me." Adrienne raised her head. Fake tears glistened in her eyes as she danced over to sit beside him on the couch.

"Okay, so everyone knows what to do." Mike spoke. The circle around him nodded their heads, which consisted of Christine, Tre Cool, and two policemen. Mike and persuaded the police to keep the rest of their force hidden a few blocks down the street. Dirnt told them they were dealing with a hostile woman who was emotionally unstable and that she had other men working with her that have killed before. The black van had yet to show itself again.
"Christine, if you fail, me and Tre will be right there to help you. If the three of us fail, then we have the police." Mike spoke as he gently gripped Christine's shaking arms. "Just try to get her guard down." Thompson bobbed her head. She knew what she had to do.
Little did the group know, that Christine Thompson was supposed to be dead by now.

Christine walked up to Billie's house and knocked on the door. Thompson uneasily swayed from side to side, trying to calm herself down. After a handful of seconds, footsteps were heard approaching the door. Christine dove out of the view of the eye hole so they'd be forced to open the door. Thompson actually hid in the bushes in case Adrienne opened the door.
"Hello? Anyone out here?" A pale lady gently called outside. Apparently Billie wasn't allowed to answer the door. Although the wicked woman's face looked friendly and mildly confused, Christine saw the butcher knife glinting behind her back. Thompson grabbed a small pebble and hurled it at the other side of Armstrong's house. It struck a glass widow, exactly what she aimed for.
Adrienne swore and unlatched the door so she could step outside. Christine knew it was now or never to activate her own plan. Originally, she was supposed to beg her way inside the house, make sure the door's left unlocked, lure Adrienne to a back room so Mike and Tre could sneak into the house and grab Billie. After Billie was outside Christine was supposed to keep Adrienne talking so the police could creep in and capture her.
Thompson knew it would never have worked. Adrienne was crazed, but by no means stupid.

"What the hell is she doing?" Tre Cool hissed when Christine flung herself into the bushes. Mike replied he had no idea. "Mike, we could kill her, right now. You have a clear shot."
"I can't, we have to attempt to reason with her first. Christine's wired, remember? We need Adrienne to talk about things she's done in the past and about the men who murdered Christine's family so our actions will be justified in the eyes of the court. We have absolutely no proof that Adrienne's crazy or that Billie's a hostage." By the time Dirnt explained it, Christine had made her move.
The bass player and the drummer watched as their new friend lured Adrienne away from the door and slunk inside. "Mike! What are we going to do? We can't let her go in there alone!" Tre burst out.
"We can't move yet. She'd see our movement. We'll move when she goes inside."

"Billie? Where are you?" Christine quietly called as she gingerly entered the living room. There was nothing but silence and Billie was no where to be seen. Christine heard Adrienne yelling about 'god damn kids' and she bolted upstairs to hide.
Thompson still remembered the basic layout of the house and decided she wanted to hide in Billie's bedroom. Tears swarmed in her eyes as a ghost film ran through her head of Billie holding onto her, saying everything would be okay.
Christine expected the room to be empty, but someone was laying on the bed. The figure was face down and had a bandage wrapped around his right hand. A few lines of blood trickled through new cuts on the man's forearms. Although there was only four cuts, they bled badly.
"Billie, are you okay?" Christine's voice croaked as she ran over to him. She went to turn him on his back, but he vaporized. Stress was making her mind play tricks on her. Thompson shook her head and laid under the bed, waiting to hear voices below and also to pull out her cell phone. Christine quickly sent a text to Mike and Tre not to go in after her and to wait outside where they were, in the neighbor's hedges. She sent the text and prayed they obeyed her.
It didn't take long to hear a female voice speaking in a casual tone. Christine figured Billie was probably downstairs and crawled out of underneath the bed. Thompson silently glided across the room to Armstrong's closet. She carefully swung open the doors and wormed her arms towards the back where Billie Joe kept his hand gun hidden in a small black box. Christine checked to see if it was loaded and hid it in her jacket. It was time.
Thompson made her way back to the ground floor and stalked to the kitchen. She heard pots clanging against each other as Adrienne told Billie all about how miserable her life was without him.
Christine edged around the corner and saw Billie Joe sitting in a chair. The only part of him damaged was his right hand from punching the glass a few nights ago. Armstrong saw a flicker of movement and glanced over at her. His green eyes widened with shock.
Armstrong motioned for her to go away, but Christine didn't listen.
Thompson walked into the kitchen. "What's for dinner, Adrienne?" She asked in a bubbly tone.
Adrienne spun around, nostrils flaring. "What are you doing here?" She spat. "I thought you were gone!"
"Can't get rid of me that easily." Christine smiled brightly. Adrienne cringed at the other woman's cheery tone. Adrienne's fingertips brushed against the ever present butcher knife in her back pocket.
"You got want you wanted from Billie. You already took his money and broke his heart. What else do you want from him?" Adrienne cried, she had to make Billie believe her instead of Christine.
"What? I would never do that! Billie, I don't know what shit she's said to you, but it's all lies."
"Christine, please, just go. I don't want to see you anymore." Billie Joe said weakly. "I love Adrienne now." Tears spilled out of Christine's eyes.
"I know it hurts, honey. It's the truth though. I'm Billie's only girl now. I'll make you a deal, help me finish making dinner, and I'll let you eat with us before you have to leave."
"No, Christine, go. I don't want to be around someone as wicked as Christine ever again." Billie voiced out loud. Christine shuddered in horror as Adrienne shuddered with delight. Adrienne's cold blue eyes appeared to soften. "Don't be silly. She's our guest, but she has to behave."
"I will," Christine sniffed. She was buying more time, trying to make Adrienne confess.
"What are we eating anyway?" Christine asked.
"Pasta, my dear." Adrienne picked up the pot of boiling hot water and threw it's contents at Christine. Thompson tried to avoid the liquid, but some of it splattered on her jacket sleeve and shoulder. It burned a hole through the thin material and landed on her flesh. Christine screamed in agony as her skin burned. Billie Joe knocked his chair to the ground as he rushed towards Christine.
"Billie, I thought you hated her!" Adrienne shrieked as he ran to Christine's side.
"Why did you do that, Adrienne? She didn't do anything!" Billie roared back. His green eyes outlined with eyeliner blazed with fury. Christine curled up in Billie's lap whimpering. The fall to the floor jolted her recovering bruised back on top of the scolding burns.
"She was trying to ruin you. To ruin us. Please, Billie, leave Christine's side and get back in your seat." Her voice was cold.
"No, Adrienne." Billie said firmly.
"See what that whore did? She wants us to be apart." Adrienne began to weep. "Billie, we could kill her now and forget all about this. We can start again like what I planned. We don't even have to kill her, Doug and Stan are already circling nearby waiting for my call to come here and slit her throat. They want the last Thompson dead."
At Adrienne's speech, Christine began shaking. She prayed Billie Joe was just going along with Adrienne and he was going to save her now.
"Put the poor girl out of her misery and then it'll just be us. Dancing in the glow of a silver moon. Free of blood on our hands, free of guilt or weighty sins." Adrienne seemed lost in her fantasy world.
Christine managed to find her voice again. "Just kill me, please. I don't want to live without you. Back at the restaurant, I'm so sorry. I was so confused and I wasn't sure what I wanted."
"You heard her." Billie barely managed to say. Christine sobbed in his arms. It was the only way.
Adrienne pulled out her cell phone and dialed a number. The only words she said was, "It's time."
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I am so so sorry it took so long. I'm a senior in high school and the past month has been so hectic. I feel horrible about it and I really hope it was worth the wait. I do want to add, I thought this would be the last installment, but it's not. There will probably be one more chapter, the story line got longer than what I expected.