Status: I Hope you enjoy this story i made for english, and i hope that if you like it you'll look at my other stories i shall be posting on mibba :)

Family Grave


It’s been about three weeks. Somehow Amy still doesn't know where we are. She thinks that this is our vacation, just we got ripped off. But to be true its not far from that. We were told this would bring us better lives. What bold face lies. I’m getting a little scared though. The Nazi’s were getting some groups of people from our cabin. Everybody in those groups never came back yet...Including Mom. Not long after we got here. So I’m keeping Amy close. They released us in the field for a bit of air. If I could I’d run out of here.But there are some “Armed fences” That seem very painful If you try to climb over.What did we do to lose our freedom like this? Amy’s playing with molly in the grass, talking to her about what she’ll do when we get out of here. Would that day really come? The bell of this place began to ring. They separated all of us into two groups. Half of us were going to take a shower. The other half went back to the cabin. I tried to get us in the shower group (because with how i smell, I need one!) But i guess I ran out of luck...

As we were all at the entrance of the cabin a Nazi noticed Amy’s doll Molly and began to star at it a little fearfully. Maybe he’s creeped out by Molly’s creepy porcelain look. After staring it down, he tried to grab it out of her hands. But she yanked it back. He began to glare. Thats when I jumped in and gave him my wide eyed look while she was glaring at him some more. It began to be a staring conversation. The man looked at Amy holding my hand and molly tightly. “Wheres mama?” Amy asked. The mans eyes widened and seemed to have a guilty look onto his face. Saddened as if he understood Amy’s words. Thats when another Nazi appeared. And it was Him. The one that beat me on my first day. He began to speak to the other one. In a voice tone like he was saying “This one giving you trouble?” The other one hesitatingly nodded pointing at Molly. That jerk nazi tugged it away from Amy crying to Molly to stay and he pushed her to the wall. “THATS ENOUGH!!!” I yelled.

I snapped and punched him right in the face. He dropped Molly due to him putting his hands on his face. I grabbed Picked up Molly and grabbed Amy and ran. We got to get out of here! we ran through the alleys of the camp. We cant get out of the gateway because thats locked tight! Eventually we heard an alarm. I need time to think!!! But there is no time!! We hid behind a box in the alley. Beginning to notice the searchlights lighting up. “Brother whats happening?” Amy yelled. I freaked out. Where is Mom and Dad?! I began screaming and crying. “I don’t know Amy! This isn't a vacation paradise! Its a concentration camp! I’m sorry I-” A hand Interrupted me. It was that Nazi from before! Not the shallow one though,the other one. “I’ll help you kids get out of here.” He whispered In a language we understood.
“Would you really?” I asked with trembling fear.
“Yes. Trust me You are to young to...” He paused. “I have a car waiting for us just now this is your chance!”
I heard yelling from the alleys.
“I need to find Mom and Dad. And I’m less easier to hide then Amy. Take her for now. Get her somewhere safe.” I said. His eyes widened but he didn't want to fight with me. I kneeled down to Amy and looked her in the eye.
“Amy, Incase If i don't come back, I want you to be strong okay? Will you take care of yourself?”
Her eyes became watery. “Yes brother...” She wailed. I hugged her, and then she was gone. I hope she gets in a better place then here. a much better place.

I stood up and ran the other way of the alley and hit someone. The jerk Nazi again. But angry. His face brought terror to my heart.
I guess I ran out of luck. Because, he drove me to a forest and made me dig my own grave, he pushed me in it, and i tasted the bloody dirt he buried me alive in. At least I found Mom and Dad though. They were buried right next to me.