Status: Completed :)

My Little Impossibles


Where I come from everybody knows everybody && everybody knows your secrets. So when I got pregnant knew who the fathers were. You heard right, I said fathers. No one in this town knows how to keep their mouth shut && their business their own. I guess that’s what happens when yo grow in a town as small as mine.

I’m sure y’all are thinkin’ that it’s impossible to be pregnant with two different men. Well if that were the case, then I wouldn’t have a set of twins, a different father for each child.

I hated that everywhere I went I got stared at. What I hated even more was the whisperin’. I knew that everyone either thought I was a slut, a whore, or a life ruiner.

It all started one night at that I was wasted at, as well as all the other party goers. Some of the party goers && myself decided to play Truth or Dare. Playin’ that game while wasted is a bad idea. Well my so called best friend thought it would be a great idea to dare me to make out with my long time crush Joe Jonas. He was the star quarterback. I had turned like ten shades of red while Joe just smirked at me.

So Joe led me to one of the open bedrooms. I went && sat on the bed while Joe shut the door.

When Joe reached me he gently took my face into his hands. For a moment we just stared into each other’s eyes. Before he pressed his lips to mine her silently asked me with his eyes. I pressed my lips to his. Kissing Joe was a dream come true. His lips were so soft && tasted so good.

The more we kissed the more passionate we got. Joe’s hands began to wander up my shirt. He began to fondle my breasts through the material of my bra. Soon enough he was taking my shirt off.

Just as he was about to take my bra off the door opened. Josh Hutcherson, another long time crush && linebacker as well as Joe’s best friend, was at the door.

“There you are man! I have been looking everywhere for you!”

Josh then saw me.

“Sorry man, I didn’t know you were… occupied.”
Joe looked at me.

“Would you mind if he joined us?”

Sober I would have said no, hell I wouldn’t be topless && making out with one of my long time crushes. But because I was intoxicated I giggled && nodded my head yes.

Josh took off his shirt && jacket after he closed && locked the door && made his way to us.

Once he reached the bed he went behind me && began kissing my neck.

I would be lying if I said it didn’t feel good or that it didn’t arouse me in the slightest.

From there things progressed.

When I awoke the next morning I was in utter confusion. I picked my head up to see what I was laying on. My eyes widened in surprise. I was lying on Joe. My eyes traveled down, seeing that he was shirtless.

Just as I was about to peek under the blanket to get a clue as to what happened last night I felt movement behind me. I turned my head to see that Josh was cuddled into my back.

Oddly, I felt comfortable. Feeling Josh move slightly confirmed my suspicions. As comfortable as I was I needed to get out.

As I tried removing myself from in between the two sleeping me I felt both of their arms tighten around me. I sighed. I didn’t want to wake them &&; I knew that if I tried getting up it would. So I just laid there.

After some time it was Josh who had awoken first. I turned to look at him && he smiled at me. His smile was just utterly adorable.

“Good morning beautiful.”

I couldn’t help but smile back && say good morning as well.

“How did you sleep last night?”
“Good, how about you?”

“Amazing. I did have the most beautiful girl in the world… partially in my arms.”

I blushed at his complement.

“That makes two of us.”

I then felt Joe’s arms tighten around my waist as he kissed my neck.

Suddenly Josh groaned in pain. I looked at him with concern in my eyes.

“Please tell me I’m not the only one with a raging hangover.”

Joe && I both at the same time said that we did. It made me giggle. Joe smiled at me.

“You’re cute when you giggle.”

I blushed once again.

“You’re even cuter when you blush.” Josh added.

Of course this made my cheeks even redder.

“So… does anyone remember what happened last night?”

I looked at Josh then at Joe.

“The last thing I remember is agreeing to play Truth or Dare. I only agreed to play was because KJ was playing.”

This time it was Joe’s turn to blush. I couldn’t believe it, Joe played Truth or Dare because of me.

“I don’t remember much either. Are we thinking that something did happen between the three of us?”

Both boys nodded their heads in agreement.
“Honestly, I don’t regret what happened. The only thing I do regret is that I was drunk && now I can’t really remember what happened.”

I just stared at Josh. I was shocked at his words. I couldn’t believe he actually said them.

“I feel the same way. Although bits && pieces are coming back to me.”

I honestly couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Before now I honestly didn’t think they remembered that I existed. They were the football stars &&; I was the nerd. The only time the popular kids didn’t make me feel invisible was when they were torturing me &&; making fun of me. I always knew what Joe && Josh were different. They always came to the aid of others when they were in need. Everyone loved them; I mean how could you not? They were genuinely sweet && down to earth guys.

“Do you regret what happened?”

Joe’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. Did I regret it?

I looked at Joe awaiting my answer. He looked almost scared of my answer. Then I looked at Josh. It seemed like he too was afraid of my answer.

“No, I don’t regret what happened. I may not remember what happened at the moment but I’m glad it was with you two. It would have really sucked if was with someone I didn’t know.”

That was the truth, I’ve known these two since preschool; practically diaper days. I just assumed they had forgotten about my existence.

“I have a confession to make.”

I looked at Joe awaiting his confession.

I saw him blush before he spoke.

“I was a virgin…”

Josh && I looked at him in shock. I mean come on he’s Joe Jonas, star quarterback of Northwest High. He is a guy after all.

“I thought you did it was Ashley?”

Joe shook his head no.

“She told everyone that we did. I was too much of a coward to set things straight. I know I didn’t tell you the truth && I’m sorry Josh. I don’t know why I didn’t.

“That’s okay man. I was a virgin too. I couldn’t bring myself to do it with Vanessa. Honestly, nothing about her seemed to appeal to me sexually. It just didn’t feel right with her. So I begged her that if people asked she would say that we did do it.”

Hearing them confess that had been virgins made me feel dirty.

I could feel their stares. It made me uncomfortable. Truth be told, I wasn’t a virgin.

“You’re awfully quiet…”

I couldn’t even look at Joe. I knew what his words were trying to imply.

“I wasn’t a virgin…”

I still couldn’t look at them. I could feel both of them tense up, we were still sitting that close to each other.

“Before you judge me there’s a good reason. I didn’t have a choice when I lost my virginity. It was forcibly taken from me by a family friend when I was seven. “


I couldn’t bring myself to look at Josh.

“Look at me.”

I refused to look at him. I was afraid of the judgment I would find in his chocolate eyes. I guess even the most gossipy small towns know how to keep some secrets.

I then felt his fingers underneath my chin. Next thing I knew I was looking into his mesmerizing eyes.

“Do you judge us for being virgins?”

I couldn’t speak. I shook my head no in response. In all honesty I didn’t trust my voice not to tremble. This was the first time in years I thought about what had happened.

“If you’re not gonna judge us for being virgins then we’re not gonna judge you for something you couldn’t control.”

A tear escaped my eye. Josh leaned in && kissed it away. I couldn’t hold back the other tears. Josh wrapped my up in his arms && I feel Joe trying to hold me from behind.

“Don’t cry beautiful.”

Joe’s words slightly calmed me but I continued to cry.

“It’s okay KJ. We’ll still be here when you’re done. We’re not going anywhere.”

I turned in Josh’s arms && clung to Joe as if my life depended on it.

After a while I calmed down. I was still clinging to Joe && sniffling.

“Do y’all really think I’m beautiful?”

They both nodded their heads.

“We’ve always thought you were beautiful. You actually intimidate us. Not only do you have beauty you have brains too. You don’t try to be anyone but you.”

I was completely speechless. No one has ever called me beautiful. Not even my own parents. Not that they’re around much anyways. The only person that has ever called me beautiful is my older half-brother Kevin. I’ve always been mocked because of my brains && because of my size. People are always telling me I’m too fat. You can imagine my surprise at their compliments.

I could see sorrow beginning to cloud in their eyes.

“You don’t believe us do you KJ?”

I could see sadness in Joe’s eyes, for I knew he knew the answer.
I just shook my head no.

They both sighed.

“I wish you could see yourself the way we’ve always seen you.”

I looked at Josh in curiosity.

“How do y’all see me…?”

I could see the thought process through their eyes.

They both looked at each to other. It seemed like they were having a silent conversation because Josh nodded. It was Joe who answered my curiosity.

“We’ve know you since we were all practically in diapers. So we’ve watched you grow up. You’ve been special to us ever since that you stood up for us in preschool. It’s a shame how time has changed that fierce little girl && just broken her down. Yeah that was a long time ago but we still remember like it was yesterday. Ever since then we knew you were someone really special.

All throughout the years we’ve watched you from afar && looked after you from afar. We try to protect you at school but it seems like we’re failing. Honestly, have watched you grow up had only made our feelings for you grow. The fact that you’re not thin is one of the reasons we find you beautiful. To us beauty is skin deep. You always find a way to help someone, even if they aren’t your favorite person in the world. Everything about you is beautiful to us, it just sucks you can’t see that, too.”

It seems like every time these two open their mouths they render me speechless.

“I had no idea y’all remember that day. Thanks y’all, just for everything.”

Suddenly my phone went off.


I scrambled around trying to find my phone. Thank goodness I answered it before it went to voicemail.

“Hello… Hey, Kev… I’m at a friend’s house… you are… well I’ll be home soon then… okay… you too.”

I smacked my palm to my forehead. I forgot that Kevin was coming home from college today.

“Who was that…?”

I looked at Joe.

“My older brother Kevin. I forgot that he was coming home for break from college today.”

I saw relief flicker in their eyes. I couldn’t help but laugh && smile.

“Come on y’all, what other Kevin do I know? Yeah Joe had an older brother named Kevin but I’ve never really spoken to him.”

They blushed at my words.

I began to frown.

“I’m sorry but I have to go.”

I began searching for my clothes && redressing. Before I headed out the door something occurred to me.

“What happens if I get pregnant?”

“We’ll be there for you, no matter who the father is. It takes two people to create a life. We wouldn’t dream of leaving you if we knew you needed us.”

Joe looked at Josh so he would confirm his words. Josh nodded his head.

I backtracked to the bed && kissed them both on the lips before finally leaving.

So here we are four months later && I’m three months along.

My parents kicked me out when I told them the news. Thankfully I had been saving up money for my own place.

True to their word they’ve stuck by me since the beginning. Ever since they entered my life they never left. I’m glad to say that I don’t think they ever will regardless of if I were pregnant or not. They both live with me now, considering they stayed over at my apartment so much. Of course they help me with the rent && anything else. They’re parents actually suggested that they move in with me after we got the paternity test results. Imagine our surprise when they both had turned out to be fathers.

Joe’s && Josh’s families have practically become my own. They have been so amazing from the start, especially after my family kicked me out && refused to help me. Although, I still have Kevin, which I am completely thankful for. He was has been such an amazing support. Albeit, he wanted to kill them in the beginning but he saw how supportive they were of me && how they never left.

My life may not have always been good but I have high hopes for the future. Not only am I excited to be a mom, I have an amazing boyfriend, an awesome best friend, && the best support system a girl could ask for.

Joe && I have been going strong for about two months now. Things have been going great.

As for Josh, he’s become my best friend. Well more like my best friend with benefits. Joe doesn’t mind that I basically have another boyfriend. Their idea not mine.

It doesn’t bother me that I’ve basically become the town whore. I guess it doesn’t really bother me because I am in a committed relationship, technically with two guys, that I will admit that I sleep with but I don’t go around flaunting it like the true town whores. I try to keep that part of my life out of the public eye. I mean what goes on in my life is no one’s business but my own. Then again I live in a small town so word travels faster than you can blink.

I can’t wait until September. I will officially be a mother to two amazing babies. What I love most is that Joe && Josh are just as excited as I am.
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I would really love it if y'all would give me some feedback on this :)

Con mucho carino,