Status: Active!

The Bet


Harry's Point Of View

"Liam, think of a number between one and ten." I said.

"Harry, no." He said.

"Liam. We're not doing anything dangerous. Come on." I urged. He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Okay, I have a number."

"1." Niall said.

"6." Louis said.

"10" Zayn said.

"4." I said, lastly.

"Harry got it." Liam said. I smirked.

"That means I get to make the first move. See ya, lads." I said, getting up and walking over to the girl.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I asked her. She jumped and turned to me.

"I don't know, can you?" I chuckled and ordered a drink.

"I'm Harry Styles." I said.

"I'm Kendall Stewart. And I know who you are. My little sister loves your band." She said. I smiled.

"How old are you, Kendall?" I asked her.

"19. It's my birthday, actually." I smiled.

"Ah, happy birthday!"

"Thank you, Harry."

"You are really beautiful, by the way." She blushed.

"Well, thank you." We talked for a while. She was actually really cool. But, she's also part of the bet. I just need her to fall for me.

"This is going to sound very forward, but would you like to hang out with me and my friends tomorrw?" I asked her. I figured I might as well give the lads a fair shot to actually meet her.

"Uh..sure. Sounds lovely." We exchanged numbers and I promised to text her tomorrow.

"See ya then, Mr. Styles." She said, and she walked off, disappearing into the people.

I so got this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Boring days <<<<
How's yall day going? Hopefully funner than mine.